Part Fourteen - "Dancing? Chris and Street?"

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A/N: hello! New chapter, we are still at the wedding, and lots going on hahah enjoy! Only 3 more days til SWAT premiere! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
- Kate 😘

The night was still young and the bar had a long queue before Hondo and Luca had finally been served their drinks.

Their journey back to their table had been intercepted by Deac and Annie who had returned from the dance floor.

"Lookin' good guys", Hondo greeted the couple, "couple more drinks and you'll be up for the faster songs", Hondo laughed.

"A couple more drinks and David will be the one on the microphone singing the songs", Annie joked and rubbed her embarrassed husband's shoulder.

"I'd pay to see that", Luca responded as they had all reached their seats and began to sit down.

Luca glanced around the table and noticed that his two youngest team mates were missing.

"Anyone seen Chris and Street?", Luca questioned the rest of the table.

"I think I briefly saw them dancing together while Annie and I were out there", Deacon answered and nodded his head toward the dance floor.

Luca's face screwed up in confusion and doubt as he turned to see Hondo's reaction to Deac's statement.

"Dancing? Chris and Street?" Luca asked, his eyes completely turned to seek out the two in the direction of the dance floor in attempt to witness an insanely rare occasion.

"I wonder how much convincing Street had to do to get Chris out there", Hondo chuckled in disbelief.

"Yeah, I didn't believe it at first, either", Deacon added.

(Chris POV)

When the song ended, I told Street I wanted to get some fresh air out in the garden and he agreed to grab some drinks for us and would meet me out there.

As soon as I reached the outdoor garden, the cooler air brushed against my face and calmed my nerves instantly.

It felt as though the air was crackling inside and I needed to escape. The overwhelming realisation that I am completely in love with Jim Street, had pounded my heart against my rib cage.

My hands actually had a slight shake to them. I aggressively shook them to try and remove the anxiousness I was probably being too obvious in showing.

Was I actually using those words now? That I was in love with him? It's been a long time since I've ever felt anything this deeply, for anyone.

After nearly ten minutes of pacing the small, secluded corner of the garden as I waited for Street to meet me, I decided to return inside and rejoin the celebrations, my anxieties seemed somewhat at bay.

I stepped inside and glanced across the room, the dance floor packed with people now, an upbeat track blasted through the entire venue.
Bonnie and Tan's friends and family members radiated energy as they piled in together to dance. I couldn't help but grin at the happiness that poured through the building.

My eyes then found the bar, the line diminished but Street stood off to the side closest to myself. He stood with one hand holding a glass bottle and the other holding his own glass.

Street's body faced my own, but he had not realised I'd returned inside as I discovered his attention focused on a woman who stood in front of him. He nodded his head in agreement to what the woman had said to him and chuckled.

I had wondered what had taken so long for him to arrive outside, but he had obviously been stopped on his way out.

I'd continued to make my way over to him, but had a hesitant thought to let him finish his conversation and meet him back at the table.

Street's eyes then found mine as I grew closer, and he nodded his chin in my direction, "there she is now" I heard him say now that I was within earshot.

I gave a small, tight lipped smile as I approached, I'd reached the gap between the two and responded with only a confused, "hi?", while I looked between the two.

The girl was gorgeous, she seemed familiar, I think she might be a close friend of Bonnie's.
The blush pink dress she wore had a slit that ran from knee to high mid thigh. Killer dress, I don't think I could ever pull off something like that.

Her blonde waves sat just below her shoulders, where it met the small straps that held up her dress.

"Chris, this is Cass, one of Bonnie's best friends. She was just asking who the lucky person was that I was buying a drink for?", Street introduced us and handed over my beer to me.

"Oh, uh, hi, nice to meet you" I answered with another small smile.

Cass gave a big grin and looked between the two of us and asked, "So is Chris your girlfriend, or?....".

Wow, she knew how to get to the point. My jaw dropped slightly at her straightforward question and the unexpectedness had me frozen.

By the time my brain registered what Cass had asked all I could do was clear my throat and answer, "uh no, we're partners at work".

My eyes wandered to Street's, his smile slightly faltered at my answer. I felt bad for not being able to tell her the truth, but Cass is close friends with Bonnie which could lead to Tan finding out about us.

"Oh, you're a cop too?" Cass' eyebrows raised in my direction, but her eyes instantly returned to Street.

Yeah, she honestly didn't care about my answer.

"Yep", I managed to muster up while I nodded my head. Not that she probably even noticed.

I know we were keeping us on the down low, but seeing Cass as she openly flirted with Street right in front of me, really had a way of eating at me.

I began to exhale to announce my exit back to our table when Street beat me to it.

"Look, it was nice to meet you, but we're gonna head back to our table now", he politely interjected, with a nod.

It seemed Street wanted to escape from the conversation just as much as I did.

Cass had a look of surprise but also a hint of curiosity that washed over her face. "Oh, okay, I mean you wouldn't have a spare minute for a dance?", she pressed, as she stepped closer to Street.

I rolled my eyes as I turned away from the pending invitation, I didn't need to see anymore of this.

"Uh, maybe another time, enjoy your night", Street smiled and ended the conversation, and walked quicker to meet my pace as I had already began my trek back to our table.

Street had brushed against my arm once he'd reached me and had spoken in a hushed voice, "sorry about that, I was going to meet you out there and she cornered me".

"It's fine, I just didn't want to stand around and watch that" I told him, as I took a sip of my beer.

"You shouldn't have to", Street whispered as we finally made it back to our table, the rest of our team had also returned to take a seat.

"Chris, did I hear this correctly? You voluntarily went and danced with Street?", Luca interrogated me straight off the bat. "What did he promise you, to do a months worth of your armoury shifts?".

I chuckled, "Not quite, Luca, but I swore I'd never tell", I joked and sat in my seat, which left a hollow feeling as I realised how Street and I were separated again.

Thanks for reading 🔥💜 the next chapter will still be wedding scenes so keep an eye out!!
Don't forget to vote and comment 🙌🏼💜☀️
- Kate 😘

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