Part Fifteen - "Didnt look like nothing"

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A/N: buckle up, SWAT premiere is one day away and I just had a rush of inspiration to write this chapter for you all before the premiere airs. We're finally headed toward the end of the wedding so I thought I'd  go out with a bang, right?. 🤔😘
- Kate 💜

Tan and Bonnie had finished dancing to another song with their friends and family, when they discovered Bonnie's best friend Cass approaching them with a slight frown on her face.

"What's got you down?", Bonnie asked Cass, as she pulled her into a side hug.

Cass sighed and shrugged the frown from her face, then looked to Tan and said, "Victor, your co-workers are no fun".

Tan became confused and asked, "what do you mean?".

Cass looked over her shoulder, her eyes searched for Tan's team sat at their table, "I thought I'd be brave and ask your incredibly handsome team mate to dance with me, but I got shot down pretty quickly. Bonnie you said he was single, right?".

A guilty look came over Bonnie's face, her eyes moved to her husband's where she was met with an expression of disbelief at her antics after their previous conversation that regarded Street, then quickly back to her friends, "I, uh, I assumed he was. What did he say?".

"Not a lot, just a 'maybe next time' and that they had to get back to their table", Cass answered with another shrug.

Bonnie's head perked up at Cass' words, "they? Who's they?".

"That cop girl, I think her name was Chris? I don't know, but he was buying them some drinks when I approached him, she didn't seem to like me that much", Cass rolled her eyes.

Bonnie's eyes couldn't help but light up at Cass' comment and now her earlier claims to Victor didn't seem so far fetched.


(Chris POV)

Once our 20-Squad table was seated again, Luca nudged Street in the arm with his elbow, "hey, who was that I saw you chatting up at the bar? She definitely looked interested", Luca laughed.

I tried to keep my eyes focused down, my fingers fiddled with the tiny confetti pieces in front of me on the table.

Street's eyes fluttered across everyone at the table then landed on Luca next to him, "ahh, no that was nothing, just some friendly conversation".

"Didn't look like nothing", Luca joked.

At Luca's last comment, my head shot up to see Street's reaction. He sighed and attempted to humour Luca, "Sure it did".

Tan and Bonnie reached our table again and Tan clamped his hands down on Hondo's shoulders and shook them, "having fun, boss?".

Hondo turned to see Tan's face behind him, "always with you guys!", he laughed.

Bonnie then spoke up and grinned at Street as she asked, "Street, what is this I hear about you breaking hearts at my wedding?".

Cass must have spoken to Bonnie already about our previous encounter.

Street raised his hands in an innocent gesture, "not sure what you mean, but I did nothing wrong".

Bonnie scoffed with humour, "oh come on, you're single and celebrating a wedding, could have at least given it a shot? What, you already got someone we don't know about?", she joked with him.

Everyone at the table had laughed and joined in on the teasing of Street, but at Bonnie's words my smile had faltered slightly.

My eyes that were stuck on Street in this uncomfortable situation, immediately avoided his gaze and looked around the rest of the table.

As I glanced around, I had to make an instant double take at Tan as he seemed to be watching my reaction intently toward this conversation. His eyes switched between Street and I every so often.

That's weird.

I played off his interrogating eyes and plastered on a smile and faked a laugh at Bonnie's teasing.

I think I'm just being paranoid...he wouldn't know anything. Could he?

Street used his hands to wave over his friends comments and to make them stop the questioning, "come on guys, I'm just not looking for anything at the moment, that's all".


The team's teasing settled down and we continued to drink into the late night, the dance floor was still as packed as ever.

Deac and Annie decided to call it a night just before eleven, and pulled the "old people, not being able to party hard" card, gave their goodbyes and left to find their way home.

I'm glad they were able to enjoy a night together and with the team, I can only imagine how crazy and busy their home lives are with all their children.

Hondo was the next to leave, his excuse was he had to make sure Darryl had made it home after his own outing tonight.

Luca, Street and I had nowhere to be in a hurry and found ourselves wanting to enjoy the carefree night for a little longer, before the reality that is our career settled back in.

We had decided on one last round of drinks before we called it too. The bar's line had dwindled and we were able to order straight away.

I had leant my crossed arms across the top of the bar while I waited for our drinks, Street and Luca were stood behind me, talking amongst themselves about their big new plans they had for the backyard of their place.

I was glad this would be our last round, while leant against the bar I realised how tired my body had become all of a sudden.

My dissociation was cut short when a man to my left who had just received his own glass from the bartender, leant closer to me and asked, "you leaving here with anyone? I've got a spare seat in my lap, if you need a ride".

I turned my now disgusted expression towards his suggestively raised eyebrows and answered, "Gross" and rolled my eyes as I turned my head back toward the bartender. This man only just towered over me by a couple inches, probably close to my age, his breath clarified the amount of alcohol he had drunk; a whole lot.

I inched my body slightly to the right while I continued to wait for our drinks. Why did people have to be such creeps, not that I couldn't handle myself, but it just left a slimy feeling on you.

"Come on, the party is just getting started-" the man began, but a voice spoke up from directly behind me now.

"Move on man, she's obviously not interested", Street argued, now stood beside me. His demeanour had become quite serious since I'd seen his face a few moments ago.

He must have heard what the idiot had said to me, when had he moved so close?

Wait, why is he doing this, he knows I can handle this guy?

The guy responded with a scoff, and looked between Street and I with a doubtful smirk and nodded toward Street, "who's this, your boyfriend?".

My whole body had frozen and what felt like my jaw dropping all happened because of Street's next words as he began to invade the guys space.

"Yeah", Street nodded, the muscle in his jaw ticked, "do we have a problem?".

The only movement my body could make in that moment was to turn my head to see Luca's confused expression behind us, as he watched the whole situation unfold.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter just as much as I enjoyed writing it 😂😬😵💜
Don't forget to vote and comment!! 🥰

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