Part Eighteen - "Aren't you?"

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A/N: hey everyone! Hope you have been hanging in there during this two week break for SWAT! Only a couple more days to go now until 5x05! Here's another little chapter to get us by, it's not as long as I would have liked as it's been a big and tiring week for me with work and school with little to no motivation to write but the next one will be longer!
Happy reading
- Kate 💜
(Chris POV)

The morning turned to afternoon, the evening setting in and our team had only just returned to HQ from the field after a potential robbery suspect caught wind of our arrival and fled, which caused a chase across the city.

I had been partnered with Tan for most of the day, following up on leads that had been cold by the time we reached them.

This guy was cunning and had obviously planned each move ahead of time. 

As we returned, having been notified our suspect had been brought into custody by some our team, we debriefed our days events to Hicks.

Throughout the day Tan had been subtly dropping hints into conversation that he may know more than he lead on.

We had been riding over to another residential address that the suspect had connections to, I drove with Tan in the passenger seat, the tablet in his hands, suggesting possible routes to cut down on traffic times.

My eyes focused on the heavy LA traffic in front of me, the charger sat idle in the line up.

I tapped my fingers on the steering wheel with impatience, "this guy is going to be long gone by the time we make it there", I said, frustrated, with a shake of my head.

"Wouldn't be the first time today", Tan responded with a sigh.

I tried to pass the time by asking Tan about his honeymoon, I'd never been to Bali but it sounded incredible. And I definitely needed to distract him from dropping anymore suspicious comments about Street and I, like he had this morning. 

I still hadn't had the chance to find Street alone to talk, it will have to wait until after shift.

"It was beautiful and refreshing, and I guess something we both needed right now. We've had some bumps in the road to get here, but it's made us stronger", Tan answered with appreciation.

I nodded along in agreement, "that's fair enough! I mean, I know I've just been away in Germany for a couple of months, but I think I  definitely need a proper, no work's been a while and these last couple of years have been insanely big".

Tan then lifted his eyes from the tablet to look toward me.

"Would you go by yourself, or...?", Tan began to question.

I took my eyes away from the road for one second to take in Tan's inquisitive expression, then quickly returned my eyes to the road.

I scoffed and drew my eyebrows together, "and who would I go with?", I humoured him.

I knew I was trying to avoid this type of conversation but I needed to dig a little more, to see if Tan was bluffing or if he really knew something was up.

Tan cleared his throat and raised his eyebrows, "well I mean... there is someone else on the team who has had an intense couple of years who might appreciate the time away as well?".

"You mean, Street, right?", I answered, nonchalantly, "I don't think we're close enough friends to go on vacation together like that", I added.

"Aren't you?", Tan managed to squeeze in before the traffic in front of us opened up slightly and I turned our lights and sirens on to get us moving again, but not before seeing Tan's face suggest that our conversation was not ending there.

Yep, just a short one this upload. Hope you enjoyed reading, the next couple of chapters I'm going to delving into some inspiration from the possible 5x09 story (with Chris and Deac and the private security gig) so I am looking forward to you guys reading that chapter!! 🥺😬
Don't forget to vote and comment!
- Kate 💜🔥

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