Part Twenty-Seven - Meetings

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A/N: hey everybody! Sorry it's been a while, here's a short new update, I am still trying to finish this story just time gets away from me! 💜 Not long before S6 begins airing, I'm gonna miss Stris so much 😭


The following day rolled around dreadfully quick and I requested to meet Hicks in his office before shift started.

Street had stayed over last night, but I didn't manage any more than a few hours sleep as my final decision kept me awake and my mind ran through the various ways I had planned to tell the team.

Not only about my new position, but breaking the news about Street and I and how we have been hiding from our team mates and our bosses, the guilt that's been held over my head for the last few months has not been the easiest, but we had both agreed to not tell the others.

The main issue that kept me tossing and turning was if Hicks were to find out that Street and I have been keeping this relationship a secret and he decides to retract the offer for the position, due to my dishonest practice.

Street and I were strictly professional at work, we completed every task to its standard, no personal issues or bias to damage our team's dynamic.

But did I really deserve this promotion if I haven't been able to be honest and follow policy? How can I role model what is expected of SWAT officers to new recruits if I can't stick to them myself?

The image I had created of myself, being hardworking and a rule follower, was the reason I had come so far in this industry. I stuck to what I believed in, to ensure I was treated with respect and gained as many opportunities as I could. I was married to my work, I had no problem if my personal life had to take a step back.

As I laid on my back that night, my eyes glued to the dark ceiling, I felt a shift in weight beside me, the covers tightened and then I felt a warm kiss land on my temple.

"You okay?", Street asked sleepily and nuzzled his face into my neck as he settled beside me.

I raised my hand up to graze my fingers against his forearm as it now draped over my abdomen.

"I don't know..", I exhaled and sunk further into the mattress attempting to become more comfortable.

Street's warm breath danced across my neck, sending shivers over my chest and arms, "You nervous?", he questioned.

I remained silent for a moment, then felt Street's head lift away, feeling his worried gaze roaming over my face as my inner turmoil bested my ability to answer.

"Chris, it's gonna be okay".

My fingers stopped against his skin and then moved down to connect our hands together.

"I can't help but feel guilty...I just need to get through the meeting and telling the team and then everything will be different", I told him, blowing out a breath.

Street tilted his head, "everything?".

I couldn't help the smirk that appeared on my face at his question.

"Well... I hope this will remain the same?", I asked, and turned onto my side to face him.

"Always", he answered as he placed his lips onto my forehead and pulled my body toward his.

The meeting that felt like I had waited an eternity to endure, only lasted a mere ten minutes. My verbal and written agreement to take on the role offered, and Hicks' congratulatory speech wrapped up the decision that would set myself on a different path. He told me everything would be settled and transferred over the next few weeks.

The walk back into the halls had me on high alert. Hicks' told me that he would publicly announce the role change in two days time at the Academy results presentation, and it was up to me who I wanted to present the news to privately until then.

At this point, Street was the only one who knew about the change. As soon as Hondo arrived for shift, I was to have another small meeting with Hicks' and my team leader, now that Hondo was back in charge of 20-Squad starting today.

Once I saw the other members of our team..I wasn't sure how strong I was, to hold in the news...should I tell them now or wait for Hicks' to rip the band-aid off while we were distracted by the new recruits?

"Morning Chris!", I heard Deacon call out as I turned into Eagles Nest.

He was preoccupied at the screen, fingers sliding over each of the arrest records in front of him, trying to find the one he was in search of.

"Hey Deac", I stopped at the desk, and placed my hands against the edge.

"Got a case, already?", I asked and nodded my chin at the screen, hoping small talk would distract myself from spilling the news.

He shook his head, "Just following up something for Hicks from the stolen stripped vehicle cases we had a few days back".

I slowly nodded in understanding, but remained quiet.

"Everything okay, Chris?", he queried, one eyebrow raised as he tore his eyes from his task for a moment.

I knew that I should tell Deacon about my new promotion right now, he and his family have done so much for me and sometimes I felt that he, other than my Uncle Sarzo, was one of the closest things I had to an actual father figure.

In any matter, I valued his opinion and in some of my worst days he always knew what to say to make me think about what I wanted and believe in myself. Deep down I know he would be proud of me for taking this promotion..I just don't know how he will react if he ever found out my other news. My rule breaking, policy infringing antics with our teammate, news.

I tried to hide my awkwardness by shrugging off his question nonchalantly, "Yeah, everything is great, I'm just-".

"Hey, sorry Chris, Hicks is asking to see us, you free?", Hondo interrupted us as he leant against the cage-like door frame.

My breath caught in my chest slightly, realising that the next step was happening. Telling Hondo.

Deacon must have caught the flash of panic across my face as his eyes now looked to Hondo in the doorway.

"Yep, let's go", I quickly blurted out, throwing a tight lipped grin to Deac and turned to exit past my superior, leading the way to Hicks' office, my second visit there that morning.


Thanks for reading, next update will very soon!
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