Part Sixteen - 'He's always got my six'

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A/N: hi everybody, hope everyone is staying healthy, here is a new chapter, this will be the last of the wedding scenes as I move onto different chapters so enjoy ☺️
Thanks so much for all the lovely feedback each chapter and we just reached 10k reads WOAH I would have never expected that much interest so THANKYOU GUYS 🙌🏼🙌🏼
- Kate 💜💜💜

(Chris POV)

My eyes quickly returned to the scene unfolding before me as the next words spoken came from another guy behind them in the line who had noticed what had been about to happen.

"Woah man, you do not want to pick this fight" the guy stepped forward, he also looked hazily familiar, maybe one of Tan's cousins.

He grabbed a hold of the idiot's shoulders and dragged him backwards away from Street's glare, I assume his next words were only meant for them to hear but I caught the last line, "they're Victor's SWAT friends, you wouldn't last a second with him, or her even".

With Luca now stood beside Street, he clamped a hand on his shoulder to try and calm him, Tan's cousin looked back over his shoulder as he redirected his friend, "Sorry guys, I think he's finished for the night" he said with a tight lipped smile.

With the guy having moved on, Street and Luca had now turned back to where I stood.

"I don't get people that think they can just say shit like that and get away with it", Street said angered, his eyes slowly calmed as he found mine again.

Although I know I could have handled that myself, it did spark some butterflies in my somewhat intoxicated state that he tried to protect me.

He's always got my six.

Luca spoke up next, and glanced between Street and I.

"I'm sure Chris would have had him on his ass in a second, no need to pretend to be her boyfriend", Luca laughed.

Street took in a deep breath at Luca's words, and he scoffed inwardly, "yeah, guess I took it a little far", he countered, his eyes searched for mine.

Okay. So Luca didn't take much from Street's confession, hopefully he wouldn't press too much more into it.

"Thanks Street, but like Luca said, I can handle myself", I smirked at him and pushed his arm playfully.

Street's eyes never left mine, "I know", he stated and I had to turn myself back toward the bar to break the tension that seemed to be heating up the room.

I found that our drinks had been placed on top of the bar but one look at the glass, and my head finally caught up with my tired body and I knew I should probably just head home.

With the situation that we just narrowly avoided, I didn't think I needed to drink anymore for the night.

I sighed and moved back to face the guys, "Actually, I think I'm ready to head home, call it a night".

"Oh, no way Chris, there's still some party left in you!", Luca contended as he waved his arm to bring the remainder of the reception back into view.

"No, no, you guys stay and enjoy the rest of your night, I'll get an Uber and head out", I insisted as I began to move my legs and walked between the two toward the closest exit.

I felt Street's hand gently close around my wrist as I made my way past, "hey, I can give you a lift home, i haven't been drinking and I'm not really interested in staying around much longer", he suggested and then realised what he was doing and dropped his hand.

I looked down at where his fingers had been on my wrist then to his face, his eyes were on the verge of suggesting more than just a lift home.

Come on Street, Luca was standing right there with us, if he wasn't suspicious before then he'd surely begin to be now.

"What about Luca?" I asked as I gestured toward him with my hand.

Luca laughed, "it's okay Chris, if you're both gonna ditch me then I'll find a way home later, I've got to find one of those ladies who was chatting me up earlier if you know what I mean", and he reached forward grabbed his beer from the bar, darted toward the dance floor, and threw his goodbyes over his shoulder.

Well that was easier than expected.

"He was really looking forward to tonight, better let him finish it off", Street said, his breath catching the side of my face.

I turned my body back toward Street now, with Luca having blended into the still dancing crowd.

Street was stood closer to me now, my face barely inches from his.

A smirk formed on his lips, as my eyes scanned back and forth over his face.

"You wanna get out of here, now?", he said and nodded his head toward the exit.

As I followed Street out to the parking lot, I spotted Luca's pickup in the far corner. My mind finally responding to the ache my shoes were giving my feet on the gravel lot.

"I can't wait to take these heels off, there's a reason I don't wear these shoes normally", I complained and sped up my walk toward the truck, knowing I couldn't take my shoes off until we reached our ride, the gravel would most likely inflict more pain.

Street manoeuvred his body in front of mine, cutting me off and suggested, "I can help with that" and before I knew what was happening Street bent down and lifted me over his shoulder, and continued our trek to the truck.

All I could do in the moment was laugh, my view now of the ground we had just walked over, the venue a fair distance away now.

"Please put me down, Street", I insisted, grabbing a handful of the back of his shirt in an attempt to steady myself, "if I hang upside anymore, the alcohol may just come back to say hello", I joked.

"I've endured worse", Street laughed but placed me carefully down onto my feet as we had finally made the distance to the truck.

I couldn't help the huge grin that beamed across my face, the blush running to my cheeks as my head stopped spinning from being upside down.

Street reached out to my arm, his fingers gently hooked under my cami strap and lifted it from its fallen position on my upper arm and back up to my shoulder, his fingers lingered against my skin.

Shivers ran down my body at his gentle touch, and I so badly wanted to kiss him, I mean we were at the back of the parking lot and we were pretty covered.

Street must have sensed what I was feeling as he quickly moved his body closer, capturing mine against the door. One of his hands on my hip, the other holding my cheek.

He hesitated a moment, to take in my expression but before he could make a decision I leant forward crashing my lips into his, my arm snaked around his shoulder to the back of his neck, bringing him as close as possible.

His tongue entered my mouth, I tasted the cola drink he had last drunk, my favourite, and I realised we needed to get back to my place as soon as possible before this continued to where I knew it was headed.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter, and happy 5x03 viewing tomorrow!!!
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