Part Twenty-One - "Tell me about it"

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A/N: SURPRISE! A relatively quick chapter update, I had this already written as part of the last chapter and didn't want to keep you guys hanging too long 😂 ENJOY! (Definitely check last chapter for what just happened before reading this one cause this follows on immediately).
- Kate 💜
(Chris POV)

Street caught me by surprise when he crashed his lips into mine.

I immediately opened my mouth in shock, and his tongue entered so smoothly.

He backed my body against the apartment door, as he used his hands to grasp my face, attempting to bring me even closer than I already was.

As I eventually registered what was happening, I  returned the exploring of his mouth, but Street began to laugh inwardly and pulled his lips away.

My confused eyes met his humoured ones, "what's so funny?", I asked breathlessly.

His face was only mere inches away, his gaze lowered from my eyes to my mouth and back, "that's what you were worried about?", he chuckled softly. 

My mouth was still slightly open from our previous position and now I couldn't form any other words except for, "Yes?", my eyebrows still knitted together to his reaction.

"You were worried I would leave because you hadn't told me you loved me? Chris, I don't need you to tell me, for me to already feel it", he stated, an even bigger grin formed on his face.

"Although hearing you say it right now, has me feeling so many different things, but.." he paused, then gently grasped both sides of my face again.

He tenderly kissed my lips, once, twice then paused again. "I..".
Another kiss.
"Love you".
He kissed me again, ending with "so much".

Street pulled away to see my reaction.

Just another example of why I love him completely. He could sense and read what I felt, sometimes better than I could myself. My stomach flipped and I pulled him back to me in a hurry.

When our lips met again, it was hungrier. Street and I finally confessed what we truly felt about each other.

It was a completely new feeling to have everything out in the open. Our mouths connected, lips moved together, his tongue had entered my mouth once again and wrestled to gain some control.

Street's hands found their way down the sides of my body, I felt his fingers through the material of my shirt, finally finding their way down to the underside of my ass.

As quick as his hands found the spot, I was lifted against the door, my legs wrapped around his waist and I couldn't help but let out a small moan, as he pushed his body further into mine.

My fingers found their way under his shirt to the small of his back, slowly reaching further up, feeling every muscle contract at my touch.

Street felt his shirt baring his back as my hands moved, he separated our lips to help me remove the shirt completely.

I placed kisses starting from his collarbone to his neck, finishing at his jaw before he brought my lips back to his mouth. I felt my hips buck involuntarily as Street moved his body against mine, the pleasurable sensation running from one end of my body to the other.

"Mmm, I love you", Street said breathlessly through his kisses as he lifted me slightly away from the door and removed my shirt over my head.

I couldn't help but giggle at his words, they made me feel giddy. He always made me feel giddy. His hands were then immediately on my back, as he began to unclasp my bra.

"Oh I forgot to ask", I said as I removed my lips from his suddenly and placed my hands on Street's shoulders to force his eyes to meet mine.

"Yeah, what's that?", Street grinned, mischievously, as he pulled me away from the doorway and carried me to the edge of the couch.

I hesitated for a second, my mouth opened to speak before I pursed my lips and chuckled.

Street's head slightly tilted waiting for my question, his own laugh escaping at my hesitance.

"I forgot to ask how your first full day back was?", I grinned and bit my bottom lip.

He rolled his eyes and said sarcastically, "it was horrible, it had been the worst day ever". He lowered me down onto my back on the couch, he leant on his knees to hold himself up, our bodies still pressed together.

I laughed at his response and caressed his cheek, my hand then sliding down his shoulder and over his chest, a sly smile making its way onto my lips, "".

Street leant forward and captured my lips in a playful kiss, "and now, it's incredible".

Street quickly continued removing my bra and I just as quickly helped him dispose of his jeans.

I couldn't help but close my eyes and savour every gentle kiss Street placed over my chest, as his fingers unbuttoned my jeans.

The sudden, staccato of both our phones alerting, Street's was in the pocket of his jeans- discarded on the floor beside us, and mine left on the dining table earlier, caused a mutual groan from the both of us.

Street who had straightened back to my eye level at the loud notification, dropped his head into the crook of my neck in disappointment.

"Sometimes it just has the worst timing....", Street mumbled, his warm breath against my skin.

"Tell me about it", I scoffed, and used one of my hands to gently run through his hair as he still made no sign of moving, "we better check what they need".

Street sighed heavily, lifted his head and pecked me on the lips, sat up and leant down to rummage through his jeans pocket to retrieve his phone.

I sat up a few seconds later, reaching for my bra to begin to redress myself. I then stood and walked over to the dining table to check my own notification.

At the sight of the small banner notification on my phone of a text message, and not a SWAT call out, my eyes immediately raised to meet Street's, whose phone was now in his hand, and his expression matched mine exactly.

"Did you get a text from Tan, too?", I managed to ask him.

Street's eyebrows raised and he nodded, "Can we meet for coffee before shift tomorrow? I need to run something by you", he read the text out, which matched the same one I had just received, word for word.

My heart started pounding in my chest, the panic setting in and the overwhelming feeling that we were going to have a conversation with Tan that I was not mentally prepared for.

"He definitely knows", I sighed and shook my head.


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- Kate 💜💜💜

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