Part Twenty-Six: Decisions

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[A/N: hey everybody, it's been a while. Life happens and gets in the way, but I finally had a little bit of time to myself so I finally smashed out a new chapter! hope you enjoy! ]

(Chris' POV)

As the day moved on, still no leads were found in the case we were sprung with.

The suspect had been known for manufacturing and selling modified weapons and large stash of his products were discovered by 20-Squad when we were called out to negotiate with and apprehend an armed intruder that morning.

Although I was focused on the case, the looming decision I was yet to make kept crawling it's way back into my mind. Our shift was almost over for the day, which meant my deadline to decide was closing in.

Across the desk, Street must have noticed my expression as I tapped away on the screen in front of me.

His hand paused, hovering over the monitor, eyes flickering to Tan who stood at the wall of screens behind me, then back to my face, "find anything in those records, Chris?".

I pursed my mouth in frustration and sighed, "nope, there doesn't seem to be any ties between the suspect and where the stash was found", I answered, with a small shake of my head.

Blowing out a breath I finally looked up from the monitor and my eyes softened at his concerned expression, he silently nodded towards the exit of the comms room.

"I'm going to grab a coffee, hopefully reset our thinking", Street announced to the room, "anyone want anything?", he then followed up.

Tan turned for a split second to decline then returned his focus to the tablet in his hands, changing the slides of pictures on the screens in front of him.

I gave Street a small smile, accepting his invitation to take a quick break, "yeah, I could use a breather", I agreed and followed him out of the room and toward the kitchen.

The door swung shut behind us, as Street grabbed two mugs from the shelf. I leant my self against the stainless steel bench behind him as I watched him make the coffee. Distracting myself from my worries, I focused on the way his back and shoulder muscles contracted through his shirt when he moved his arms, stirring, pouring, lifting.

"I can feel your stare", Street chuckled, still facing away from me, filling the silence that had washed over us as I was deep in observation.

"Hmm...just admiring", I suggested, with a smirk.

He turned to face me, mug in his hand extended out to me as he stepped closer, his dimples grew deeper.

"Only another couple of hours and you can admire me as much as you like", he proposed, his fingers lingering over mine as I grasped the mug.

Street was right in front of me now and placed a soft kiss on my lips, his face remained close to mine as he whispered, "I love you".

Although we were still at work, I couldn't be mad at him this time for kissing me, he was trying to distract me from the tornado of thoughts wreaking havoc in my brain. Letting me know he was here for me, whatever I needed.

A small, grateful, smile graced my lips at his thoughtfulness. I knew he would be there when I was ready to talk about making my decision. His distraction further emphasising that we could talk about it later tonight, right now we had to finish our research on this case.

"I love you, too", I whispered back, stealing another quick kiss before I moved away from the bench, heading back to the comms room with Street in tow.


Closing in on nine thirty that night, I was still sat in my living room. My legs crossed beneath me on the couch as I continued flipping through the information pack Hicks had provided when offering me the position.

The booklet felt heavy in my hand as I reached the last few pages, for the fourth time completely reading it over. The lists and overviews of every task I would be undertaking, the major responsibilities and expectations of the position and it's benefits.

I screwed my eyes tightly shut for a moment as the stress was causing my head to ache.

Placing my feet down to the floor, I leant forward and placed the booklet on the coffee table, moving my hands to hold my head, elbows supported by my knees.

I know how amazing of an opportunity this position would be for me. I would be able to have influence over what training would be implemented, ensuring the attitudes and perspectives that were being taught encouraged equality and inclusivity.

I looked up at the door as I heard the lock clicking.

Street walked inside my apartment, sitting his backpack next to the door, placing his keys on the dining table.

"Hey, sorry I'm late, Luca needed some help, it's a long story but he thought he broke the washing machine...", he rambled, but stopped when he noticed the atmosphere in the room, as I still remained on the couch.

His face softened as he saw my ambivalent, tired eyes and the way my hair had looked windswept after the hundred or so times I'd run my fingers through it.

"You okay?", he asked, immediately lowering himself onto the empty cushion beside me, eyeing the booklet and sheets on the table then bringing his gaze back to me.

I turned my head toward him, leaning my cheek against my fist, and sighed.

"I think I really want to do this...", I began but hesitation settled in and I stopped.

He grabbed my free hand from my lap and intertwined our fingers together.

"...and you deserve to, Chris", he chimed in, nodding his head, with a heartfelt smile.

I brought my bottom lip between my teeth, anxiously biting down before I attempted to continue, "It's just...If I choose to do this, it feels like I'm...", unable to voice my feelings, not wanting to say it out loud.

Street nodded slowly in understanding, squeezing my hand in his.

"It feels like you're letting down the team?", he finished.

I tore my gaze away from him and stared down at the floor in front of me, "We've all worked so hard to make that team what it is'd be like breaking up the family".

"Chris...", Street's thumb caressed the back of my hand, where he held our hands atop his thigh.

"The team... I can guarantee you that they won't feel that way. They will all be so proud of you and over the moon that you are getting this opportunity! And, everyone on that team will always be your family", he assured me, using his fingers to move the strands of hair from my face, finally resting his palm gently against my nape.

After a moment, I swallowed and nodded my head softly and leant my head down onto his chest, his arm now wrapped around me, his hand rested on my waist.

Although I knew I needed to face reality, sitting here like this right now I felt safe, and supported and like everything was going to be okay. If I made this decision, of course so many things were going to change...but not this.

I moved my head up to look at Street with a small smile as he looked down to me. I remember how scared I was to open up and give in to my feelings for him, but now, I know he is the best thing that's ever happened to me.

"I'm going to accept", I admitted quietly and released a sigh. The weight of my doubts fading away.

Street kissed me, pulled me in closer and I snuggled down into him even more, and closed my eyes.

"You're gonna do incredible things, Chris".

[thanks for reading! Don't forget to vote and comment - Kate 💜🫶🏻 ]

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