Part Eleven - "I'm all yours"

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A/N: hello! I drank a whole iced coffee before bed and couldn't sleep so it's now 5am and I've just smashed out this chapter for you all! (Good thing it's Sunday now (Aus time) haha)  And surprise it's a longer chapter!!! So enjoy! 💜💜💜

For some chapters, to help with writing I'll pick one song that I feel fits the overall mood and just play it on repeat until I finish writing-  so this chapter was influenced by "Imagine" by Ben Platt - so i recommended definitely listening to it on repeat while you read the chapter 😂😂

(Chris' POV)

Two weeks had passed and keeping Street and I on the down low had become quite the struggle during our time at HQ.

Our team had been super focused on our interventions in the field.

Our downtime at HQ had been filled with stolen glances as 20-squad returned from each intervention and found Street who had now been granted light armoury duties.

We found places to enjoy together on our off-days, to avoid Street being away from his and Luca's place of a night time to not raise any suspicion.

We had wanted to hang out more, well, Street called them dates, and I sometimes humoured him.

After being friends for so long, calling them dates felt weird to me, but it also made my stomach flip every time I contemplated the idea of dating Street.

And I did have a debate with myself every single time Street and I kissed in those two weeks. The yearning to feel him close again and to not care what anyone thought about us but the complicated situation we were in, always scratched its way to the surface eventually and dragged down the mood.

One day we hiked and climbed to my favourite spot, the sun beating down, Street ended up falling on his ass a few times on the rough gravel paths and I would have to help him get back up in fits of laughter while I told him to be more careful, a cool breeze helped us along until we made it to the top.

We sat there for hours and watched the view of the city. The city we had the responsibility of protecting.

He mentioned he would have to buy some proper hiking boots if this was going to be a recurring thing.

It made me smile.

Street talked about the ridiculous calls he would go on down in Long Beach and how much more purpose he felt he gained since he joined SWAT.

When Street said that, my heart had skipped as I remembered our conversation in the armoury when he told me he would be willing to give up SWAT if it meant he got to be with me.

Could I let him give up that sense of purpose? Just for me?

The weeks flew, and we'd also visited Uncle Sarzo's and helped him build his new backyard BBQ area, and ventured L.A on Street's motorbike and managed to avoid our coworkers local parts of the city.


It was Thursday night and we had eventually finished shift for the day at 8:30pm.

A hostage situation had taken us much longer to negotiate than planned, and our new team leader, Sergeant Sanchez, had asked Street to run intel for us the whole time, seeing as he was confined to HQ just until next week as Hicks had cleared him for field duty to start Monday.

Hondo had returned to 20-Squad a week ago but just as a team member. It was harder than we thought adjusting to Sanchez as leader, especially since Hondo was still with us, so many times we would accidentally ask Hondo what the formation was instead.

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