Part Three - "Wanna see the scar?"

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Chris' POV:

I sat up on the couch immediately, once I heard Street's voice enter the living room.
Come on Chris, get it together.

Street's eyes flickered to mine then quickly landed on Luca in the kitchen.

"Hey man, how have you been?", Luca greeted Street in a bear hug, meeting him halfway in the living room, then Luca jumped back all of a sudden, "sorry man, I forgot you're injured, are you healing alright?", he asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine now, wanna see the scar?", Street replied, and lifted his t-shirt to show his abdomen, which now bears a medium sized, almost healed, raised scar that lines half of the right side of his toned stomach and makes it way up toward the middle of his chest.

I still wish he hadn't had gone through with the surgery, but I kept telling myself I trust Street and he believed it was the right decision, to do this for his mom.

I really don't like Karen. But I need to tolerate her for Street's sake, even after everything she has put him through his whole life.

He had never deserved any of it, he was one of the sweetest guys I had ever met, yet he was dealt a rough upbringing. I still don't understand how that happens.

"That's badass, man!", Luca said, and gave Street a high five, "will definitely improve your game with the ladies if you show 'em that!", Luca laughed.

Finally Street's eyes find my own again and I stand up from the couch, giving him a coy smile, "I'm glad your doing okay, Street, and I somehow kind of missed all your bickering while we were away", I said and walked over to hug him.

Street chuckled as his arms wrapped around my back and my own around his neck, his chin resting down on my shoulder, "thanks Chris, and I think you mean our bickering", Street said as he pulled away to meet my eyes again.

I shuffled back to create more space between the two of us while Luca stood nearby.

I know that we could trust Luca with anything, especially telling him about mine and Street's situation, but even through our three months of calls, Street and I hadn't really discussed what was going to happen when we got home.

Most of the time I just spent asking Street how he was feeling and worrying enough for the both of us if he was healing properly and taking care of himself.

Street and I did agree that once I had settled in back home, then we could talk about what we wanted to do. 

Given the whole no fraternising between teammates problem, and our evident feelings for each other that no matter what we tried, could not be avoided.

"Want a coffee, Street? I was just about to make some for Chris and I", Luca asked and turned back toward the kitchen.

I decided to follow Luca into the kitchen, and felt Street fall into step beside me, a gentle hand placed on the small of my back, but swiftly removed once Luca had noticed us enter.

I moved to the far cabinet behind Luca, lent against it and crossed my arms. Street positioned himself opposite me, directly next to Luca preparing the coffee.

"So what did you get up to while we were away? I hope you rested and didn't get into too much trouble? Or should I say have too many sleepovers with the place all to yourself?", Luca questioned, nudging Street in the arm with his elbow, suggestively.

Street's eyes looked straight to me after that comment but then back to Luca, "Actually no, nothing happened but me catching up on sleep and trying not to die of boredom", Street responded, with a matter of fact smile.

"Really? Not even one date over the whole three months?", Luca laughed and turned to give me my coffee mug.

"Nope, my mind was somewhere else over the summer....", Street began to say, " know...with the whole surgery, recovery and getting back into shape thing" he hurried out to finish his sentence and grabbed his mug from Luca's hand.

Nice save Street.


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