Part Six - "I definitely cannot stop"

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A/N: hey! hope everyone is keeping safe and healthy! Here's another chapter! I've seen posts that season 5 is starting filming now so not much longer we have to wait! - enjoy! - Kate 🦋
(Chris' POV)

"I'm all in, Chris", Street said.

Street's hands that were holding mine, dropped to sit on my waist, and pulled me closer to him, his face now turned upwards toward mine, as he leant against the table.

My arms rested above his shoulders, my hands at the back of Street's neck.

I couldn't help but just gaze at him. Standing there, like we were, I felt as though I was truly home.

We had been friends for nearly five years now, best ones even, well except for the time where we drunkenly kissed while I was simultaneously dating two people and then I refused to be his friend anymore.

I always regretted that decision. The way Street looked at me when I told him we were only teammates and nothing more, like I'd ripped his heart out and handed it back to him.

I had literally just broken his heart and yet he still didn't want to see me get hurt by Ty and Kira.
Which, yep, I still did.

But my decision hadn't only been because of Ty and Kira and not being completely faithful to them, but also my rule - to never date a cop, especially one on the same team as myself.

As much as I already felt about Street back then, I couldn't risk what the relationship could have done to my career.

And that rule still matters now.

"So...hypothetically....", I began, which made Street chuckle.

"Okay, yes, hit me with your hypothetical", he responded.

"Let's say I also choose to be 'all in'.... would we tell anyone about us?", I questioned, "because that kind of news could make or break our team".

Street pondered my question for a moment with his lips pursed.
"Well, I'd like people to know..." he started, "and I know there is the possibility that we could be separated to different teams, and...".

I nod my head and interrupt his sentence, "and I don't want you to feel like you have to give up SWAT for me", bringing back our conversation from the armoury.

"I mean I wouldn't have to give it up? Maybe I could get a transfer to Rocker's team?", Street suggested and shrugged his shoulders.

"But then we would never see each other...we would always be on alternating shifts, which would be crazy to think we could keep a new relationship with no time together", I sigh, looking down between us.

"Chris, we're gonna find a way...I mean, hypothetically ", Street reassured me with a smile.
"If you want just for now... we could try and keep it on the down low? Find our feet and then cross that bridge when we get to it?".

I lifted my head to see his eyes again, his caring, thoughtful eyes.

"I mean, it could give us a little more will still be on medical leave for another month, and I start back on shift Monday", I responded, leaning towards the low key idea.

"Okay, then we'll keep quiet for now", Street agreed, "but not forever cause I don't know how long I can go being around you in front of people and not being able to do this".

Street lifted his hands from my hips, grabbed both sides of my face and brought my lips to his.

When Street kissed me, the gentle pressure quickly turned to hunger and I could feel the warmth of his tongue as I opened my mouth slightly and it danced across my own.

The longing of five years of wanting to be this close to each other transfers from his body to mine, and I can't help but to return it.

"Because now that I've started", Street smirks between kisses, "I definitely cannot stop".

Hope you enjoyed this chapter, let me know in the comments! 💜

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