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A knock came to the doors of Mr.Styles' office. Breaking our conversation.

"Mr.Styles?" Another blonde,well-dressed, attractive woman entered. "It's Reddings company on the phone for you. They want to discuss..." She stopped midway and glared at me. "Your um, well......the deal."

"Yes. I know what you mean. Put them straight through." Mr.Styles answered, walking promptly to his desk. He picked up his phone and walked over to one of the large window panes.

He placed his other hand in his pocket and held his back straight. His two feet parallel to his shoulders.

"Don't give me that bullshit Dwayne. You know how Mark handled things in the past, I'm definitely not willing to let that happen again."
"Even though you're aware his previous methods were unacceptable."
"Fine. But I won't be taking part in this one Dwayne, I'm out."

His tone was very serious. It scared me and aroused me at the same time. I felt awkward, like I was intruding. This was his work, his job. What the hell was I doing here? Did he really bring me here just to offer me a condo? Which I still couldn't understand. Who offers some stranger they just met a place to live, and for free? I don't think I'd accept it anyway, I wouldn't feel comfortable.

"Have fun scraping up your business' in three months time when it falls on it's arse." He commented in his undeniably sexy British accent before hanging up.

He placed his phone on his desk and cleared his throat rather loudly, I'm guessing to break the silence.

I just looked at him, I opened my mouth to say something, anything, but my throat went dry and I couldn't think.

"Jamie, would you -"

"Mr.Styles?" A male called, opening one of the doors.

I heard Harry say something under his breathe, but I couldn't make out exactly what it was.

"What is it?" He snapped, talking with an attitude. And I'd be lying if I said I wasn't intimidated by him right now.

"Cecils' reservation is confirmed." He said.

"Okay Brad, thank you." Harry said in a dismissive tone.

"Is this Ms.Roe?" The large man asked. I turned my head in response to my name, I looked at the man in the doorway, furrowing my eyebrows.

"I said thank you, Brad. You can go now." Harry warned through gritted teeth. He was standing at the end of his table and gripping the sides of it tightly.

The large but well-build man left and closed the door in which he entered.

"I hate when he interrupts me without a warning." Harry sighed, standing up tall with one hand in his trouser pocket and the other pinching the bridge of his nose.

He glanced at the watch on his wrist. A watch that probably cost thousands of dollars.

"We need to go now." He quickly walked over to his desk and pressed a small white button, he leaned towards the button and spoke.

"Brad, get the car ready. I won't be driving."

He put his suit jacket on and smirked at me as he led me out of his office, his hand on the small of my back, just above my ass. The region of my back that came into contact with his hand began to tingle, even through the layer of material which was my skirt.

"Jamie?" Harry began, as we entered the elevator.

I glanced up at him through my eyelashes. "Hmm?" I asked, as I had lost concentration. This place was just so magnificent. Everything just seemed so perfect.

"Have you ever had sushi?"

"Oh, um. No I haven't." I answered, he smirked down at me. " that where we're going now? To get Sushi?"

He seemed puzzled as to why I'd ask. "Yes. It is." He eventually answered with a raised eyebrow. "Is there a problem?" He continued, holding that sense of authority.

"It's just that, I'd rather not.." I shyly admitted, staring at the ground.

"Well Ms.Roe. I was under the impression that you'd like to go for lunch with me."

"And what made you think that?"

"You're submissive." He smirked. Then, realising he had just said that out loud, he corrected himself. "You're just easily led Ms Roe. Partly to do with the vulnerable age you're at."

"Seventeen and three quarters isn't a vulnerable age." I argued.

He smiled down at me, "So you don't want to go for lunch?"

"It's just I'm aware that Cecils' is a very......upperclass place. And, that's not really my style. I'd prefer to go somewhere a little more...casual. If that's alright with you?"

Mr.Styles looked at me, with a confused glint in his eye. The elevator doors opened.

He allowed me to step out first and we walked through the corridors side by side.

"So Ms.Roe." Harry began to talk as we stepped outside into the sunshine.

Brad was waiting for us, he opened the door of a large black car and awaited either Harry or I to step inside.

Mr.Styles raised up one of his hands, "We won't be taking the car Brad. Change of plan. We've decided to go somewhere a little more.."

"Casual." I spoke up, smiling. Mr.Styles stared down at me for a minute, a genuine smile crossed his lips and he slid his hand onto my lower back.

"Are you sure Sir?" Brad asked Styles.

However Harry didn't answer him, he just continued to smile at me. He began walking and I felt a little uncomfortable with his hand where it was, but if he took it away...I'd be slightly.....hurt? No not hurt, I'd feel lost.

"So Jamie, anywhere in particular?"

"Yes actually. We should go to Lavenders."

"Hmm. Must be a small franchise. Otherwise I would've heard of it before." He stated cockily.

"Yeah, actually it's run by my best friend's family. Danielle. It's like a vintage themed coffee shop, it's really cool. Thought you would've known about it with all your research." I smiled. To which he stared back at me with a smirk.

"Well Ms.Roe, you forgot one thing. I'm only interested in you."

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