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I walked for 20 minutes, bypassing all the traffic. Until I finally arrived outside his building. I looked up at the fancy letters that spelled 'Styles House'.

I inhaled a deep long breathe, fixated on his name up there.

I gathered the courage to walk into the foyer, all the way to the front desk.

The intimidation was almost consuming me. It was like the room was an abyss in the depths of the ocean, and I was a beacon of light attracting every living organisms' undivided attention.

"Can I help you?"

I seen her mouth move, but failed to hear. My pulse was vibrating in the crevices of my ear drums, until it slowly started to fade and I finally heard what the woman behind the desk was saying to me.

"Excuse me, Miss? Can I help you?"

"Oh, I'm very sorry. Um I need to see Harry. Shit I mean Mr Styles. I need to see Mr Styles please."

"Well do you have an appointment?" She lightly chuckled at my awkwardness. Her sudden warmth stood out against the cold pristine perfection that the very lobby and the people in it acquired.


"Well then I'm afraid you won't be seeing him today. I could schedule you for an appointment next week if you like, is 15 minutes enough? Because that's the only slot available unless you're willing to wait for the next five months."

"Sure, sure I'll take the slot." I awkwardly agreed even though I knew I'd be seeing him tonight. If I didn't take the slot I might've upset the lady for wasting her time and I don't deal well under pressure.


"Oh it's Jamie." I smiled.


I nodded my head and she immediately rose from her chair.

"Oh I apologise Ms Roe. Please follow me."

She had a very strong business-like walk, I followed behind her all the way down the hall.

"What's going on?" I quietly asked.

"Mr Styles informed all receptionist staff to send you straight to him if you ever enquired about seeing him."

We both got into the elevator and the lady pressed 100, the top floor.

"You're very young to be an intern for a man like Mr Styles."

"Oh I'm not his inter-"

"I know you're not dear, but if anyone else here is to ask about your presence that's what you say." She smiled, with a wink.

She seemed kind, my nerves eased.

"I'm sorry, I never caught your name."

"Oh I'm Penny." The pretty blonde gushed. I smiled back.

The elevator doors opened and we walked down the hall towards the familiar doors of Harry's office.

"A hundred floors, that's a lot of floors." I laughed, trying to continue the conversation - if you could call it a conversation.

"There's actually a hundred and one." She whispered. I was confused, did I see it wrong in the elevator?

"The top floor is the penthouse, it's where Mr Styles stays when he's swamped at work."

"I'll take it from here Penny." Bradley said, coming out from Harry's office.

Before I could say goodbye Penny was walking down the corridor, returning to her duties at the front desk.

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