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I woke up to the constant beep of my alarm. I hit the snooze button and returned to my sleep.

My door slammed open and I heard the irritating voice of my mother

"I knew I'd catch you sleeping, get up. You have store duty today missy."

I sighed and pulled the covers over my head, "Five more minutes." I mumbled as I dozed off and drifted into my dream once again.

Next thing I knew the covers were yanked from my body, exposing me to the cold air in my room.

"Fine, I'm getting up, you can go." I yelled getting out of bed and pushing my mother out.

I shut my door and glanced at my alarm, it was 7:30.

It only took 10 minutes to get to the hardware store, why does that woman insist I get up so early?

I got dressed, wearing a white tank top, a checked shirt, and blue jeans with toms. I put on my black apron with the stores' name and logo engraved on the top right corner.

I threw my hair up into a messy bun and moisturised my face, which was surprisingly clear for once.

I walked downstairs and the smell of bacon greeted me. My breakfast was waiting for me on the table and I suddenly felt really bad for shoving my mom out.

"Thanks for the breakfast Mom, sorry I'm cranky this morning, I - I uh, didn't get much sleep last night."

"Well you should be sleeping better since you're on those pills Dr. Manson kindly gave you."

"Yeah I know Mom..." I mumbled whilst sitting down.

There was no point telling her about the nightmares, as far as she was concerned they were just a 'phase' and a fragment of my imagination. It was too difficult to explain it to her.

"How's my girl this morning?" My father asked patting my head and sitting opposite me. His breakfast was a big one, food peeking out over the edges of his plate.

"She's ok, kinda tired."

"Are you alright to work today? I could always get Daniel to cover your shift sweetpea, it's not a problem."

"No, seriously Dad I'm fine."

We ate our breakfast together, Mom included. Afterwards my Dad and I hopped in his truck, deciding to go to the store early today.

When we got there, I cleaned the shelves and washed the floor, by the time I finished it was 8:20. Forty minutes would be sufficient for the floor to dry. 9:00 am arrived and together my Dad and I lifted the shutters, I flipped the sign and we were officially 'open' for the day.

Daniel strutted into the store first, only thing was, he was an employee, and he was late, again, as usual.

"Mornin Mr Roe!" He yelled. "Jamie." He greeted me with a wink.

I just stared back, he didn't impress me whatsoever.

"You're late Warren!" My Dad yelled, using Daniel's last name.

"Won't happen again Sir!" Daniel yelled. I rolled my eyes, whispering 'yeah right' under my breathe.

I strolled down to the back of the store now that Daniel was on the till.

"Anything you need doin Papa?" I said in a country accent. Making my Dad smile as he gazed into the distance and thought of a job for me to do.



"Rope." He nodded.

I nodded with him and promptly walked over to the rack to grab my tool belt, I tied it around my waist and at the same time, made my way to the rope section. But while in the prosess I passed Daniel..

Teach me, Daddy. |hs|Where stories live. Discover now