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I opened my eyes slowly, they felt heavy. There was something damp resting on my forehead, I lifted one of my hands from underneath the covers. I removed the damp cloth from my face. Was I sick?

"Jamie sweetie." My father cooed as he entered my room. "Honey, last night I came upstairs to check on you and you were laying unconscious on the ground. Now I've checked and there seems to be no bumps or marks on your head. Can you remember what happened?"

I shook my head from side to side.

"Okay, well I have to leave now. I've made your breakfast for you it's downstairs. I want you to tell Doctor Manson about this when you go for your appointment on Wednesday." He ordered, looking at me with concerned eyes.

"Okay Dad I'll tell him." I reassured. Once he was satisfied with my 'promise' he left for work.

I rested my head back down on my pillow. Then it clicked and I suddenly remembered, my heart jumped.

I slid one of my hands underneath my pillow to feel the rough paper of the envelope. I breathed a sigh of relief that my father didn't find it.

I rose from my bed and with the envelope in my hands, I walked over to my chest of drawers. I took the very bottom drawer all the way out. I then placed the envelope inside the skeleton of furniture and slid the drawer back in.

I left my room content with the hiding place I had provided for the contract. While walking down the stairs I noticed a small letter on the ground by my front door. Somebody had hand delivered it through the letterbox.

I picked it up. In fancy writing, Jamie was hand written on the front. So I opened it there in the hall;

I hope by now you have thoroughly read and considered the contract I supplied you with last night. I am picking you up tonight at seven o'clock sharp, I'm taking you to dinner. There we can further discuss and negotiate the terms and conditions of said contract.
However, there is still a lot more information you need to be aware of before you agree or decline my offer.
Until tonight I'd appreciate if you kept an open mind.
At your condo you will find a card laying on the windowsill of your bedroom. It is a gold card and can be used in very ~ as you say ~ 'fancy' stores. Although I'm aware that fancy is not your style, I'd greatly appreciate if you bought yourself an elegant dress for this evening. Please don't hesitate. Buy what your heart desires, don't worry the card will cover whatever the cost. Bring Danielle if you want also.
I'll collect you from your condo.
~ Styles.

My heart pounding, I folded the letter and stuffed it in my pocket. I felt a weight in the envelope, I tipped it upside down and a key fell out. A car key, and attached to it was a small note.

Your new car is outside my house. Drive safely.

I smiled and placed the key in my pocket, then discarded the envelope - throwing it into the bin.

I ate my breakfast and decided to call Danielle.

"Hello, Danielle?"

"Hi - hello??"

"Hey stranger, it's Jamie." I smiled.

"Who's that?" A male voice asked in the background. "Shut up Niall it's Jamie." Danielle hushed.

"Niall's there?" I questioned.

I heard rustling through the phone and then the closing of a door.

"You slept with him?" I hissed.

"It's not like that Jamie, I really like him." She argued.

I remained silent, grimacing at the thought of them together.

"But yeah I slept with him."


"Anyway, what's up?" She giggled.

I sighed, "I have to go shopping."

"Oh can I come please! Wait - what? You're going shopping? Did someone die?"

"No Danielle." I moaned. "It's Styles. He's....making me. He left a gold card for it and everything."

"Oh you poor unfortunate creature, being treated to new clothes. Shopping against your will - how tragic." She dramatically mocked me over the phone.

"Yeah. Ok. I get it. Just be ready in half an hour, I'll pick you up."

"But you don't have a ca-"

"Be ready and tell lover boy I'll drop him home." I giggled before hanging up.

I put my plate in the sink and made my way upstairs to have a shower. I stopped in my tracks - mid way up the stairs.

Niall was Harry's brother - and I'm his ride home. I'll have the privilege of seeing Harry's childhood house. I smirked to myself.

I'm going to know where he lived.

"The tables have turned Styles." I smiled, giddily hoping up the remaining stairs.

Authors Note
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME! (AND JAMIE LOL) Well technically it was yesterday but I was out partying - hence I didn't update! I appreciate everyone's comments and will try my best to update twice a week as requested, I love you all. Stay beautiful.
~Cara x

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