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I walked into the reception area of Harry's building to find a panicked Danielle.

"Hurry up, I might be too late!" She hissed furiously while grabbing my arm. Her tight grip dragged me towards the exit while people in the reception glanced at us and exchanged whispers. I turned my head to say goodbye to Penny but I couldn't find her, no one was behind the desk.

We stepped outside into the fresh, bitter air.

"What's wrong Dani? What's so important?"

"I......I was shopping, you know, for your dress. This girl was serving me. And, well, we got talking and I told her about you and Harry going on a date."

"Dani! You're not supposed to tell anyone! Shit. He's gonna freak if he finds out you've told someone, he's a very private person Dani, I thought you knew that."

"Jamie, it gets worse."

"How..." I breathed, while my insides shook nervously.

"The girl, she knew Harry...personally. She said she used to 'date' him a few years ago. I don't know what she meant by that, because she rolled her eyes and mocked the idea of dating him? I don't know maybe they were fuck buddies and she wanted more?"

I gazed at the ground as I took the information in. This girl must be one of Harry's previous subs. She couldn't date him because of the contract. That's why she rolled her eyes.

"Anyway. She asked me to warn you. She said; don't sign."

My heart sunk. My mouth became dry and I stared at Danielle with my eyes wide.

"Um, don't sign? What do you think that means?" I asked Dani, pretending to be oblivious.

"I don't know. I have no idea, but it got me thinking that maybe you went to see Harry to sign something, so I came here as quick as I could, just incase, even if that girl was a little psycho." Danielle chuckled. I lightly chuckled too, pretending not to care.

"Look Jamie, just ignore her. She's probably a stalker ex girlfriend of his that had to sign a restraining order." Dani shrugged while linking me. We began walking down the street.

"Can we go to that store? The one with that girl." I proposed.

"You sure?" Dani questioned, lifting her eyebrow with an intrigued look.

"Yeah I'm sure." I nodded.

Within ten minutes we had walked to a small pink store called Alexandra's. We entered the boutique type store and Dani was immediately distracted by the beautiful clothes.

I, however, immediately began searching for that girl. I glanced around the space in front of me, I turned around to search more and bumped into another person.

"Shit!" I hissed as I stepped back and massaged my head.

"I'm so sorry Madame, I wasn't concentrating. It's my fault."

"It's okay." I crookedly smiled while squinting my eyes open.

I looked at the young woman before me. Brunette, small frame, blue eyes, nicely dressed, polite. She was quite similar to me in ways. I stared at her with my eyes fully open now. I became lost for words.

"You.." She whispered. "You're her..."

I remained silent.

She quickly looked over her shoulder for anyone else in the store who could be listening and then leaned in to whisper something to me.

"Whatever you do. Don't sign that contract. He fucks with your head. And in the end, you'll be the one who gets your heart broken. You'll fall in love with him. No matter how hard you try and fight it, you will, you'll fall for him. There's no such thing as drawing a boundary and just forgetting about your emotions. You won't be able to do that." She pleaded with me. I felt so sorry for this girl. She had obviously been through hell getting over Harry.

"He doesn't feel anything." She whispered. "He doesn't know how to love." She told me with tears pricking her eyes.

"What about this one?" Danielle suggested while chewing her gum very loudly. She was so fixated on the dress in her hands she didn't notice that the girl was standing there, drying her tears.

The girl quickly scampered across the floor and nestled in behind the desk.

"Yeah sure Dani." I agreed.

"Don't you wanna try it on first?"

"Nope. Let's just get it and go." I told her, I was so overwhelmed with thoughts. I couldn't help but look at that poor girl behind the desk and see myself in her. If I signed Styles' contract, that would be me in a year or two. Completely heartbroken and an emotional wreck. Do I really want that for myself?

Danielle paid for the dress with the gold card and I could see the upset girl trying her best to fight back the tears. She's been through this all before. The card, the dress, the dinner, the contract. He does the same things every time, like a routine, because he knows how to lure girls in.

The girl stuffed the dress into a bag and handed it to Dani, along with the card.

"Bye, have a nice day." She sniffed.

"Goodbye." I smiled, trying to comfort her slightly.

"Now, what about shoes and accessories?" Dani asked while handing my the bag and the card.

"No. I'm going home. I need to lie down. No more shopping."

"Did you sleep last night?" Dani asked. She knew about my nightmares, she often had to calm me down at sleepovers, then she'd stay awake with me until I fell back asleep. I knew she worried about me a lot, deep down, behind her 'I don't care about anyone or anything, I'm invincible' facade.

I shrugged, "I'm just overall exhausted, in general."

"Okay. Let's go back to the condo. You can borrow shoes and accessories from me, I'll even do your makeup, hmm? Does that sound like a plan?"

"Yeah Dani, that sounds great." I smiled, as we started walking towards home.

We arrived on the street of our condo pretty quickly. One of the perks of living in the city. As we neared the entrance of our elevator, a man was leaning on the wall beside it.

"Is that?" Danielle mumbled. "Oh my god it is!" She yelled.

"Liam!" I shrieked when he lifted his head in response to Dani's yell.

I dropped my bag and ran towards him as fast as my feet could carry me before engulfing him in a well needed hug.

"It's good to see you." I whispered, as I fought back my tears.

"I'm back Jamie, for good." He whispered, squeezing me tighter.

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