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I woke up to the noise of my Mom cooking downstairs. Something smashed. I pulled myself out of bed and decided to go down and help her clean up the mess. I was making my way down the stairs when I heard a voice. It wasn't my Mom's, it was someone talking to my Mom. A man. I knew that voice.


My heart sped up and I became panicked. I ran back upstairs and into my room. I grabbed my brush and started to comb through my hair. I stared at myself in my mirror and easily picked out all of my imperfections. I can't go down looking like this. What was he doing in my home? Why is he talking to my Mom?

I looked at my tank top and shorts and rushed over to my wardrobe. "Something to wear, something to wear." I whispered to myself as I hurriedly racked through the many outfits that didn't look good enough.

"Jamie honey. Come down here for a second. I want you to meet our new neighbour." She called up to me.

"Uhhhh, not right now Mom. I'm not decent." I shouted back. She didn't reply for a few minutes until I heard someone coming up the stairs and then the faint sound of someone lurking outside my room.

"Jamie Roe. Go downstairs now and say Hi. Don't be rude, first impressions stick." She warned from outside my room.

"But I'm not appropriate." I whispered, poking my head around the door.

"Let me see you." She whispered back. I fully opened the door and showed her what I was wearing, she looked me up and down and then sighed while rolling her eyes.

"Just run down and say hello. I don't want him to think that I mother a rude child, I can't afford something like that spreading around this street." She hissed at me.

"Fine." I sighed. My mother was always extremely into her image and her reputation among our friends and neighbours. False, that's what she is. She's fake. I guess some things never change.

I reluctantly plodded down the stairs behind my mother. Completely embarrassed and humiliated already.

"Hi Jamie." Harry evilly grinned, walking towards the end of the stairs to greet me. It was an evil greeting to me, my mother on the other hand could be easily fooled, she probably mistook it for charm.

"Mr.Styles." I reciprocated, maintaining a straight and serious face. I took his extended hand and softly shook it.

Our eyes locked together, our hands still slightly shaking up and down. The smirk on his face grew larger the longer he looked at me. It began to get somewhat intense and he tightened his grip on my hand. I continued to stare into his eyes, they grew darker and darker. Then I noticed it, he was planning something. Thinking about something. Fantasising even.

My mother cleared her throat and with that I withdrew my hand from his firm hold. He coolly placed his hand back into his pocket and took a small step back.

"I see you two have already been introduced." My mother spoke. Eyeing us suspiciously.

"Yeah, I guess you could say that." I mumbled. Although, Harry and I were never properly introduced. We just fell into a hole of becoming acquainted.

"I was just telling your mother about my new house." Harry told me. His attention was solely on me and I knew my mother wouldn't take kindly to that.

"I've just moved in to number fifty, across the street from you. But, I won't be staying there all the time. I have an apartment in the inner city, I guess you could say it's close to work." He smirked, as if it was a joke only he could understand.

"Where do you work?" My mother asked, unable to contain her nosey side.

"I work in a building Mrs.Roe. Behind a desk, in my office. Making phone calls and bossing people around. It's very satisfying." He sarcastically joked.

My mother caught on and started to giggle, playing along with Harry's 'joke'. Although it wasn't much of a joke, it was a cold way of avoiding the answer to my mother's question.

But I could see through both of them. Harry, seems to have many boundaries. My mother was attempting to cross one by asking where he worked, hence his sarcastic reaction. My mother was currently laughing, but inside she was scowling at Harry, unfulfilled by the lack of information and gossip she's been given about our new neighbour.

"Jamie, your father needs you at the store today." My mother told me, ignoring Harry's presence.

But that's the thing. He held such a strong, overpowering presence, it was almost too hard to ignore.

"Um yeah, I can make it there by...." I mentally did the math while concentrating on the clock, hung on the wall.

"Actually, Mrs.Roe." Harry interrupted. "Your daughter has already promised her services to me today."

My mother looked at me, whilst I turned my attention to Harry. He started to nod his head, looking back at me.

I started to nod my head too, agreeing with him.

"Um, yeah I forgot about that." I whispered, as my eyes locked with Harry's. He began to smirk.

"Hmm, and what exactly is it you two were planning on doing." My mother hesitantly asked.

"I was planning on showing Jamie where I work. Maybe even discuss a potential placement for her." Harry said, grinning.

"Well. I'm sure she'd love to. I'll tell your father you'll help him later on..." My mother suspiciously agreed. "Go on, upstairs and get dressed, quickly." She ushered, snapping back into reality.

I pottered upstairs and got dressed. I was under pressure and just grabbed the first thing I seen. It was what I usually wore, a skirt, a jumper and my knee socks with boots. Boring, plain and simple. I didn't have time to put any make up on and threw my hair up into a bun.

I creeped downstairs again and listened to my mom and Harry talking, they were in the kitchen.

"I trust you're a responsible man, after all Jamie is only seventeen. It's not like I usually let her run off for the day, with strange men I've never met before." Yup, that's my mother.

"I'm aware Mrs.Roe. I didn't take you for that kind of woman."

"And when should I expect Jamie home?"

"I can take her home any time she wants. But if she wants to stay with me the entire day, then that's fine too." Mr.Styles said authoritatively.

I felt the nervousness in the pit of my stomach.

"Yes, well, her curfew is ten o'clock. No later. Although I doubt you'll be that long."

I descended the stairs and entered the kitchen. Hopefully stopping my Mom from saying anything else embarrassing.

"Ready." I smiled nervously.

Harry smiled back, raking his eyes up and down my body. He left the kitchen, walked through the hall and stood beside the front door.

"Be safe honey." My mother beamed, hugging me tightly. "Call me if you need me." She whispered in my ear before releasing me from her grasp.

Mr.Styles held the door open for me and I shyly walked outside.

"Pleasure meeting you Mrs.Roe." I heard him call before he shut the door.

I could hear him walking behind me and it gave me the creeps. I stopped walking and turned around, waiting until he was by my side. Once he was, he casually placed his hand on the small of my back, leading me to his car.

A sleek black Audi was parked outside, different to the car he was driving yesterday. I never questioned it though and got in, as did he.

"Where are we going?"

"Work." He answered.

"Where's work?"

"You'll see." He smirked.

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