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Mr. Styles opened the door for me and I walked inside. The strong smell of coffee filled the air and I hummed quietly to myself as I breathed it in.

As usual, Danielle was behind the counter, working the till. She spotted me while I was looking over at her. I gave her a little wave.

"Hey Jamie!" She shouted across the shop, waving her entire arm in the air. It was supposed to be a discrete greeting.

Her eyes nearly popped out of her round head when she finally noticed Harry beside me. It certainly shut her up anyway. She raised an eyebrow and added a small smirk, she was probably very amused at the fact I had brought a male here.

I quietly walked over to my usual booth. Harry followed and sat opposite me. He took of his suit jacket and the heavenly smell of cologne spread into the air. I breathed it in as he breathed out. The booth was small and we were in close proximity. I could practically taste the peppermint from his delicious breathe.

Danielle waltzed over and I sighed aloud, burying my face in my hands. I heard her clear her throat.

"Ahem." She 'coughed'.

I looked up at her, with eyes that begged her to act normal. She sighed down at me and whipped out her tiny notepad from the apron around her waist and grabbed the pencil that was resting on top of her right ear.

"Orders?" She spoke in a monotone voice.

"I'll have the double espresso with a stack of waffles and Jamie will have a non-caffeine tea with pancakes and waffles."

"Yeah ok." Danielle mumbled as she concentrated on writing.

I was about to object to what Harry had ordered for me but Danielle had hurriedly ran off and it was too late.

"Why did you do that?" I scowled at him.

"Order for you?"

"Mhm." I nodded.

"Because I know what's good for you." He stated before rudely taking out his phone.

"Can you put that away please. I'm talking to you." I snapped.

Harry raised his eyes from his phone screen and smirked at me.

"You're a demanding little thing aren't you?" He chuckled.

I sunk into my booth and kept quiet. I could feel my cheeks reddening.

"Jamie. I'd like you to talk to Danielle about the condo offer, tonight."


"Because I'm taking you to see it tomorrow."

"Oh yeah, um sure ok. I'll mention it to her."

Mr. Styles' phone vibrated on the table.

"Excuse me Jamie, one moment." He said as he looked at the name on the screen.

"What is it?" He said answering the call. His tone was different now compared to the phone call in his office.

"Actually I'm busy then." "I said I'm busy Niall, now drop it." "I didn't promise you anything." "Ok fine. I'll see you then."

Harry hung up and deeply sighed. Obviously I was curious. Who was Niall?

"Sorry. That was just my brother. He really knows how to test my patience sometimes." I smiled at him, but I was unable to relate - I was an only child. I guess I could count Danielle as a sister, we did grow up together.

"He's the younger one-" Mr. Styles paused mid sentence. Then he just, stopped speaking. I stared at him waiting for him to continue, but he said nothing. It was almost as if he suddenly realised he was telling me about his life. But why is that a bad thing?

Danielle brought our orders and as usual it was perfection.

I glanced at the amount of food Harry had ordered for me and I already knew how much I was going to struggle.

"Do you want some of my waffles?"

"No thank you, I already have waffles." He replied.

"Do you want my pancakes then?"

"Jamie. You haven't even started yet. Eat your food and eat it all. You need it."

I stared at him. His words began to sink in and I felt extremely offended. I need food? I need the calories? I'm not exactly skinny. How would he know I've lost weight? I only met him on Wednesday.

Unless- "How did you know that?" I demanded to know as it suddenly clicked.

"What?" He asked, looking confused.

"My files. You asked Doctor Manson for my files."

"I did no such thing. Now eat your food and drink your tea please."

I sat there in protest. I didn't touch a thing, although I was actually hungry. But I wasn't going to let him know that.

"Jamie, I'll tell you once more. Eat your food." His authority shone through and it confused me, because it slightly turned me on.

I gave in. I was hungry and he wanted me to eat. So I did.

When I began to eat my food he seemed to relax a little bit. He asked me questions like "What colleges' were you thinking of?" "What are you going to do for your 18th birthday?"

The conversation began to flow. I was talking non stop and was lost in thoughts that he peeked with his questions. Until he interrupted me.

"You're friend has been staring at us for the past hour or so."

I glanced over at Danielle to see her dreamily gazing at Harry.

"Oh, actually, it looks like she's staring at you." I stated, trying hard to fight back the sudden feeling of disappointment.

"I think we should go."

"Ok." I agreed, standing up.

I followed Harry as he left the café and turned around to give Danielle a big wave.

"See you later Dani!"

"My house at eight!" She yelled. I walked out of Lavenders but was still close enough to hear her mother shush her. I started to giggle.

"That's the first and last time you get to pick where we go." Harry chuckled.

"What makes you so sure there'll be a next time?" I challenged, raising an eyebrow.

"I just know these things Ms Roe." He smirked and my heart skipped a beat.

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