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I drove to Danielle's house. Only when I was parked outside did I consider the grossness of having sex in your childhood bed. Her Moms' deep blue jeep was parked in the driveway. I silently prayed that she didn't do it with Niall while her Mom was at home.

I beeped twice. Soon followed by Danielle and Niall leaving the house. They both got in the back seats.

"Danielle was your Mom ho-"

"Helen and George are on a vacation, they took George's car."

"Oh, I see. Did Derek go with them?"

"Ugh, yes." Danielle answered with disgust, rolling her eyes.

We both giggled, knowing Danielle's 'hatred' towards her older brother, even though deep down they loved each other.

While the two lovebirds were otherwise occupied with each other, I turned on the radio. Not too loud, so I could hear the directions Niall was giving me.

"Just take a left onto Westbrooke Drive and it's straight down the street, the one with the white pillars and greyish gates."

As I followed Nialls' last directions, I pulled up outside the Styles' home.

Niall hoped out and quickly keyed in a code which made the large gates slowly open.

"That's fancy." Danielle commented.

"Not exactly the best thing if you come home drunk and forget the stupid code." Niall laughed, Danielle joined him. I however was too interested in seeing Harry's home. Momentarily distracted by the beautiful fountain I had to drive around, I continued down the extremely long driveway towards the house.

I edged nearer and the house was just....magnificent.

I held in my laughter when I noticed a very ordinary mailbox on their front lawn, it stood out in comparison to everything extraordinary surrounding it. But when I read the name on the side it said "The Horans".

Niall kissed Danielle goodbye and whispered something in her ear. Something made me think that this wouldn't be the last time they'd see each other, there was chemistry between them ~ a real spark.

Niall entered the house and I sat still in my car. I was trying to take in as much as possible.

This is where Harry grew up. Finally I knew something about his life, even if it was his past.

I sighed and started the car. I drove down the long drive way and left through the massive medieval looking gates, then started making my way to the condo in the city to pick up the gold card.

"So how was last night?" I asked, peering at Dani in one of my mirrors.

She smirked, "Pretty amazing. The sex was, wow just wow. And then we stayed up all night sharing secrets and telling stories. You know Jamie, I've a lot to tell you."

I frowned in confusion, "Meaning?" I asked.

"About Styles."

"Tell me now." I greedily demanded.

"All in good time sweet child." Danielle smirked, acting like the biggest know-it-all alive.

I pulled into my designated car space and then Dani and I got the elevator up to the condo.

"Where is this stupid card." I huffed as soon as the elevator doors opened into our sitting room.

I went straight into my bedroom and as he said it would be, the card was laying on my windowsill.

It made me uneasy to think he was in here, but then again being the CEO of a multi-billion cooperation he could probably gain access to anywhere he wanted.

I grabbed the card and then grabbed Danielle and took both with me out of the condo.

As the condo was already in the city, we were walking distance from every designer store you could imagine.

We were walking along the street and silence fell between us.

"Dani, what's Niall's full name?"

"Umm, Niall Horan. Why?"

"Then why isn't Harry's last name Horan? Why is it Styles?" I asked her, totally confused.

"Didn't you know Jamie?"

"Know what?"

"Oh my gosh, I thought he would have told you. Harry was adopted."

I remained quiet, trying to understand.

"Niall told me everything he knew last night. There's only certain parts to the story his Mother would tell him about Harry's adoption."

"Can we, uh - can we go get coffee. I can't really shop right now."

Danielle smiled comfortingly and took my hand, we went into the nearest Starbucks, which was pretty close considering there's one on every corner.

We both got a coffee and sat down.

"Will you tell me?" I asked her.

She nodded her head and stared at the table as she spoke.

"Mrs Horan was a nurse when she was younger. She worked in the children's hospital on Dame's Street, apparently it wasn't just a job to her, it was her passion. She had just married Mr Horan, a doctor she had met through some close knit medical circles. Mr Horan was studying to become a professor and this title would quadruple his income. With that in mind, Mrs Horan wanted to start their family. She handed in her notice and had 2 more weeks to work before she could leave the hospital and have a baby. That was when Harry came into the hospital, Niall was told that Harry was in pretty bad condition and it broke Mrs Horan's heart to see a child so mistreated. Harry was 5 years old and wouldn't speak to anyone. Then one day when Mrs Horan was checking his medication he spoke to her. She sat down on his bed and had a 40 minute conversation with the little boy. That's when she realised that Harry needed love, and she could provide that. Mrs Horan spoke to the professionals and with Mr Horan by her side they finally adopted Harry. When he was fit enough to leave hospital he went home and started his new life with them, a few years later they had Niall."

"I had no idea." I whispered, my heart breaking.

"That's all I know." Danielle softly spoke placing her hand over mine on the table.

I was holding back my tears. My heart was aching. The only way this would stop is if I seen Harry, now.

"Danielle, take this card and buy me an elegant dress, you've great taste.

I'm going to see Mr Styles."

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