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Mr. Styles had dropped me home about an hour ago. He was very busy at work, and I oddly missed him.

I left my house and made my way across the street to Danielle's. It was seven thirty, but I knew she wouldn't mind. Hell, if I tell her 2 o'clock she arrives at 8 am. I've never truly understood the weirdness of Danielle Hathway, but I've been given the opportunity to appreciate it many times.

I knocked on her door and it swung back to reveal a very excited Danielle. "Get inside now!" She giddily whispered as she grabbed my shoulder and hauled me into her house.

"Nice to see you too." I replied as I laid on the floor, which I greeted with my face.

"Sorry sorry sorry, come on let's go into the living room." She muttered as she skipped off. "Come on!" She yelled, becoming impatient.

I stood up from the floor, walked into the living room and sat on the other couch facing Danielle.

"What is it? Why are you so hyper?"

"Who was that guy you brought to the café today?"

"My friend."

"Your hot friend." She grinned evilly with a disturbed look in her eyes.

"Ok Dani you're starting to scare me a little bit. I'm getting concerned." I chuckled.

"Sorry, you're right. It's just, are you seeing him? Like, dating him?"

"No, I'm not." I answered honestly, but reluctantly.

I knew where this was going. Danielle was far prettier than me, always has been. She's the one that dated all the football players in school. Not that she was easy, she was just popular that way. She was the cheerleader captain, great sense of fashion, blonde, thin, the list could go on.

"Can I?" She squealed.

And there it was. No delicate way of putting it. Blunt, simple, to the point. Why not just stab me in the gut and twist it, maybe a few more times? That should do it.

"Sure, I mean, yeah you could try. I just don't know if he's really the dating type. I don't even know if he's single." I told her as gently as I could, I didn't want to seem like a buzzkill.

"He's gorgeous. I thought he was a model. It was like love at first sight." She hummed. "And like no offence but I couldn't believe he was with you. I mean you know I think you're beautiful, but he's just.."

"We're seeing a condo tomorrow." I quickly changed the subject. I couldn't listen to her another minute, it made me jealous and I'm not, never have been the jealous type. I especially wouldn't get into a fight with Danielle over a guy. If she had continued with the way she was talking, I knew I would have snapped.

"We are?"

"Yes. I'm not too sure of the details right now but I'll let you know when I know. You're off work tomorrow anyway, right?"

"Yeah that's right. I was going to go get my nails done though. Later on in the day. You should come with me! You really need to get yours done Jamie, look at em." I glanced at my nails.

"They're fine, leave them alone."

"Still a tomboy are we?" She giggled.

"No. Just not mega girly like you."

"Well I'm taking you to get them done whether you like it or not."

"Ok." I sighed. Danielle could be very persistent, it was just easier to agree.

"Have you packed everything yet?" I asked.

"I've packed my gowns and dresses if that's what you mean."

"What?! You mean all those boxes in the hallway are just dresses?"

"Yes. And gowns."

"Dani, how much more do you still have to pack?"

"Let's see. There's, casual wear, bedtime clothes, make up, accessories, hair accessories, causal shoes, evening shoes..."

"Stop, you're giving me a headache."

"Like you're any better with all your books. You have like 246 boxes full of em."

"That's different Dani. They're educational."

"They're educational." She mimicked me, mocking me in a silly voice.

I stared at her with a blank, non-amused face. But it didn't last long until both of us burst into uncontrollable fits of laughter.

We were interrupted by my ringtone, I took my phone out of my pocket and looked at the screen. There was no caller ID, the number was blocked.

"I'm just gonna make some popcorn." Danielle announced, scuffling into the kitchen, her pink fluffy slippers made an irritating sound.

I was 99% sure I knew who this would be, so I decided to answer it. I tapped the green button and pressed the phone to my ear.


I smiled to myself, amused that I predicted it was him.

"Mr.Styles." I answered. "I never gave you my phone number."

"I already explained this Jamie, there's no hiding from me, I'm too powerful."

I could almost hear him smiling through the phone.

"Yeah yeah, you're powerful I get it."

"About the condo tomorrow, I'll pick you up at 11am."

"Oh, actually that's not a good time for me. I work in the store on Saturdays, 9am till 12am."

"Alright. I'll pick Danielle up at 11:45 and collect you from work."

"Ok, thank you, really, thank you. Are you still sure about this? I mean you don't have to-"

"Jamie. I'm sure." He interrupted, but sounded genuine.

"POPCORN STORM." I heard Danielle scream as a loud pop came from inside the microwave.

"I'll let you go take care of that Ms.Roe, I'll see you tomorrow."

"Okay." I smiled, finding comfort in his voice. "Bye Harry."

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