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After a 15 minute drive, which felt like 2 seconds in the speedy car, we arrived outside a tall glass building in the city. I tried to open my door, but it was locked. Mr.Styles got out and walked around the car to open my door for me. I shyly stepped out of the car and whispered a small 'thank you' under my breathe.

I tilted my head all the way back to admire the entire building. It was huge, the top of it touching the clouds. In bold classic print above the door read 'Styles House'. Then it clicked.

"You're..." I trailed off gazing at Harry in amazement. Finally recognising who he was.

"Don't finish that sentence Jamie." Harry warned, looking pissed off.

He placed his hand on the small of my back and led me into the building. The interior was extremely impressive, everything was so pristine. Behind a large desk to the left sat a very attractive blonde. She wore her hair back in a fancy bun. She looked so perfect, not a thing out of place.

I immediately grimaced at myself, knowing how out of place I looked amongst these perfect people. My hair was messy, I was wearing no make up, my clothes were too casual and compared to all of their professional personas, I looked like a child.

Many eyes landed on me as Harry guided me through the halls. We silently waited for the elevator. It finally landed on our floor and the doors glided open with a faint 'bing' noise.

Two old men dressed in expensive looking suits and another blonde lady were in the elevator.

"Get out." Mr.Styles spoke.

Immediately the three scrambled out of the elevator, without a word of protest. I glanced up at Harry and frowned, he looked down at me. He tilted his head and crookedly smiled as if to say 'what's the problem?'.

We entered the elevator, Harry pressed one button among the thousands of options. My stomach felt queasy as the elevator flew up effortlessly.

"You're going to love this." Harry said lowly.

"I will?" I answered sarcastically, raising my eyebrow and looking up at him. However Harry ignored me and continued to gaze straight ahead.

The doors glided open and Mr.Styles took my hand as he led me to what seemed to be the only door on this floor. In the process of everything going on, I found myself allowing him to guide me. Usually I'd be the first to pull my hand from his and walk proudly on my own, but this was different.

He let go and pressed his hand against a scanning devise built into the wall, once it flashed green a female voice sounded from the machine. "Identity detected. Welcome Mr.Styles." With that, the doors opened and Harry walked straight into the room.

I stayed outside the door, my feet stuck in their position.

"Come Jamie." Harry slightly chuckled while coaxing me into the room.

I slowly and hesitantly walked into the room. It was bigger than my entire house. I felt so small. It was completely surrounded by windows. It felt like you were floating in the sky somehow.

"This is my office." Harry told me. "Sit down."

I sat in the chair in front of his desk and shyly gazed at him from across the table.

"So you're moving?"

"W-what?" I stuttered, trying to stop my hands from shaking. Why am I so nervous? I thought to myself. I wasn't nervous before. But sitting in his office gave a different vibe, he seemed to have more control.

"You're moving out of your house. To where?"

"I- uh, I don't know yet."

"Good. I was hoping you'd say that." Harry lightly smiled. "I want to offer you a condo."

I stared at Harry and furrowed my eyebrows, I wasn't really expecting this at all. How did he....

"How did you know I was moving?" I thought out loud.

"The boxes, laying in your hall. They're not hard to miss."


"Obviously you'll have to view it first."

"And discuss a price point." I spoke up.

"Oh that won't be necessary Ms.Roe."

"I'm sorry. I'm a little confused."

"It's one of my old condos I used to sleep in from time to time. I've had trouble selling it and I thought, I'd much rather give it to you."

"Oh, that's very kind of you Mr.Styles but-"

"But nothing Jamie." Harry interrupted. "I'll take you to see it tomorrow."

"I - uh, "

"Say OK." He demanded.

"OK...." I reluctantly agreed. This caused him to smile, his beautiful white teeth were dazzling.

"How do you know so much about me?" I asked quietly. Harry stared at me for a while, then sighed while leaning back in his chair.

"I'm a very powerful man Jamie."

"I...don't doubt that." I smiled.

He remained serious, studying my features, making me very uncomfortable.

"Your full name is Jamie Elizabeth Roe. You were originally born in Paris, but grew up here in New York. You're 17 years of age and you'll be 18 on the 31st of July this year. You plan on majoring in English Literature in college and have recently graduated high school with all honours. Your father owns a hardware store and your mother is a teacher in an all-girls private school. You plan on moving into a new place with your best friend of 11 years, Danielle Hathway." He recited but stopped to stand up from his chair.

"Oh, and you don't sleep very well." He added, standing in front of my chair and holding out his hand for me to take.

I took his hand and he gently but firmly pulled me up from my chair. Silence filled the air and my heart was beating harshly. I was trying not to show that I was phased by his detailed knowledge of my life. He stared straight into my eyes, with no fear of causing any awkwardness or making me uncomfortable. So I stared straight back into his green orbs.

"I know everything about you, but when I look at you I feel like I know nothing." He spoke up.

"You know the facts Mr.Styles. I think you'll find those facts don't define me as a person. So I guess, on another level, you're right, you know nothing about me."

He smirked at my response. "You continue to intrigue me Ms.Roe."

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