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I locked the book shop and began to walk home. My legs felt like jelly, I knew they'd most likely give out any second. I stopped walking and leaned against the wall to my right.

It's only a ten minute walk, I thought. You can do this.

The street was dimly lit by the lamps lined along the road and the cold air was hard to inhale. The street was barren. It was only nine o'clock, yet no one was seen to be walking and no cars drove by either. Each car that was on the street was parked in the driveway of a house. I looked back towards the book shop and seen a black Range Rover parked outside.

That's strange, I never seen that car when I was locking up and I didn't hear the engine either. But it was definitely there now, someone was in it. The headlights shone bright and contributed to the dimly lit street.

I'm just not fully awake, it was probably there when I was locking up. I just didn't notice it, I told myself.

I turned back around and continued to walk towards home. I closed my eyes for a few seconds and strangely enjoyed the feeling of just resting my eyes. It didn't last for long though because I had to look where I was going.

The revving of an engine startled me and I quickly turned my head to check on the car. It was slowly creeping down the road, in my direction. Suddenly, I was extremely alert.

I kept walking and kept my head down, concentrating on putting one foot in front of the other. The car had caught up with me but still slowly drove along beside me.

I started to panic, and slightly picked up my pace. But the car easily stayed level with me, accompanying me as I walked. Then I heard the noise of a window sliding down.

"Get in." He spoke.

I recognised that voice. The low rasp of his authoritive tone. I lifted my head up and looked to my left at Mr.Styles driving his car.

I stopped walking and he immediately stopped driving.

"Get in." He repeated. He leaned across and opened the door. "Just get in the car Jamie." He told me. He was chewing gum and gave me an 'I don't have time for this' look.

I shook my head from side to side, showing him my answer was no.

"What are you afraid of?" He asked raising his eyebrow.

"Nothing." I told him quietly. He assumed I was scared of him, but I wasn't going to let him know I actually was.

"What is it then?" He asked, sighing.

"I....I don't know." I mumbled, shrugging my shoulders. Maybe it's the fact that you were on drugs. Maybe it's the fact that you're completely and utterly intimidating or maybe it's the fact that you're a total stranger.

"Jamie I just want to drive you home, thats all." He explained, taking a cigerette from the packet in his hand and lighting it in the most unintentionally erotic way.

"You said I shouldn't trust you." I retorted, folding arms. Hypnotised by the way he was smoking his cigerette.

"That's very true, I did say that. You're a good listener." He complimented sarcastically, rewarding me with a wink.

"So, how about.." He started but stopped to take a long drag. "You listen to this." He said, exhaling the smoke through his mouth. "You can trust me for the duration of the car ride." He bargined, looking pretty confident, chewing his gum. Smoking and chewing gum at the same time...that's different, I thought.

I couldn't decide what to do. It was an extrememly tempting offer, considering how tired I was. But, could I really trust him? A stranger?

He threw his cigerette out his window, along with his chewed gum and casually pressed the button causing the window to slide up. "Well I'm going now, with you or without you?" He asked me, starting the car.

So I got in. I don't know why, I just...did.

"With you. Good choice." He smirked, as I closed the door and buckled my seatbelt.

His car gentley started to glide down the road. I peered at him from the corner of my eyes, he was concentrating on the road.

"What age are you Jamie?" He asked me, taking a new stick of gum and shoving it in his mouth.

"Seventeen." I mumbled.

"What's that?" He questioned, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Seventeen. I said, seventeen." I told him, speaking louder and clearing my dry throat.

"Hmm. I didn't quite hear you the first time. You really shouldn't mumble." He informed me, taking a left.

"What age are you?" I asked, speaking clearly, but not as loud.

He glanced at me. The way he looked at me sent chills throughout my body. He was totally overpowering, I felt like I didn't have a right to ask him.

"I'm twenty four."

I stayed quiet and remained still in my seat. I looked at the stars in the sky and I strangely took the time to admire the darkness.

"I do have one question for you Ms.Roe." He stated casually, taking another left.

"Jamie, it's just....Jamie." I corrected him.

"You knew my name." He told me. I thought back to calling him Harry and hearing his footsteps come to a stop yesterday when we parted ways to walk home. I lightly smiled.

"Yes..." I whispered, waiting for him to continue.

"How?" He asked.

"I, uh - I....have my ways." I said quietly, stuttering my poor excuse. "I could ask you the same thing." I spoke up yet my voice was soft and shaky, making me sound timid.

He looked at me briefly and smirked, before returning his stare to the road ahead. "Let's just say, you have your ways Ms.Roe and I have mine." He said darkly, continuing to smirk.

"I told you, it's just Jamie." I insisted, but he ignored me.

"I take it you're aware of who I am." He said, almost reluctantly.

"Who you are?"

The car jerked and came to a complete stop. I glanced out my window and noticed we were outside my house. I knew I wasn't going to get his reply, he held his head down, his toned arms gripping the steering wheel rather tightly.

"I should probably get going..." I said softly. He lifted his head to look at me. "Thanks for the ride." I smiled, opening the door and getting out of the car.

He stared at me intensely, a tiny smile creeping to his lips.

"Tomorrow Ms.Roe." He concluded. I gently clicked the door shut and his car smoothly began to glide down the street, leaving me on the pathway outside my house.

Tomorrow? What was tomorrow?

I sighed, wishing I could understand his 'secret' language. It was like he was one step ahead of me and I hated not knowing what to expect.

I entered my house, throwing my keys on the hall table and kicking the door shut behind me. I stared at the pile of boxes, stacked and laying in the hall.

I sighed to myself. I should really call Danielle and see if she found anywhere. I was supposed to be moving out in a week and we still hadn't found a place. I began to walk upstairs, my body aching for my bed. My feet stopped working and I came to a halt in the middle of the stairs. My eyes widening as I realised.

I never told him my address, he knew where I lived.

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