Chapter 7

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I get up and get ready for school. I put on my dark holely blue jeans and a black long sleeved shirt that you could see the app in between my shoulders. I put my hair up in a messy bun and grabbed my guard bag, my keys, and my cello.
I walk into the band room. I meet up with Kimmy, Katie, Gracie, Heather, Tori, and Emily. I smiled.

"Hey," I said.

"Damn girl," Kimmy said. "You got a good lookin man."


"He's so sweet," Gracie said.

"Four, I have to tell you something," Kimmy said.

"What is it?"

"Tony broke up with me yesterday. He told me I was a bitch."

"I'm so sorry," I say.

"Fuck him. He was a douche bag anyway."

I got out my cello. We started class.
After class ended I put my cello in its case. I zip it up. I look up. Uriah is smiling at me. I stand up and hug him.

"When did you get here?" I asked.

"About twenty minutes ago."

"You saw me?"

"I did." I blush. He touches my cheek. "You sounded beautiful."

"Thank you."

Jasper Taylor came over. He's the band directer.

"Sir," he said. "Are you in my class?"

"No sir," Uriah says softly.

"Why are you in my band room?"

"He came to see me," I say. I wrap my arms around Uriah's waist. "We're going out for lunch today."

"Oh," Jasper smiled. "I'm Jasper Taylor." He held out his hand. Uriah took it. "Ms. Andrews may I see you in my office."

I nodded. Uriah kissed my forehead. I walked behind Jasper into his office. He closed the door.

"Four," he said. "You seem happy."

"I am," I say softly. "He makes everything I went through go away."

Jasper has known me for a long time, four years. I was the best player in my high school class and my teacher contacted him. I've been out of my parents house a little over a year.

"Do you trust him?"

I nod.

He smiled. "I'm glade to see your happy."

"Thank you."

"What's his name?"


"Go have fun."


"Carter, be careful."

I smiled. I walked out of his office. Uriah smiled. He hugged me tightly and picked me up off my feet. I giggled.

"Uriah," I laughed.

"What Luna?"

"What's that mean?"

We walked out of the room. Uriah smiled widely.

"It means your my mate. And since your the Alpha's mate you have as much of a say over the pack as I do."



"Four!" a girl yelled.

I turned around. It was Kimmy and the girls. I smiled. I was still under Uriah's arm.

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