Chapter 25

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Carter's P.O.V

Weeks passed and the pregnancy is progressing faster than anyone anticipated. I'm only five months pregnant and I look like I'm about to bust.

Honestly, I'm terrified. What if the baby's not okay? What if it doesn't live? I lay awake most nights worrying about it. I'll cry silently-most of the time- looking at Uriah's sleeping body, wondering what his peaceful looking body is dreaming about. While I lay there wondering if I'm going to live or if I'm going to die.

I wonder if the baby will look like me or if it will look like Uriah. I hope the baby has Uriah's deep brown eyes.

I lay in my bed on my back, staring at the ceiling in the dark. Sometimes it's soothing, but other times it makes me feel like I'm already falling into a deep black hole that I can't ever escape.

I glance at a sleeping Uriah. He's sleeping soundly, so I decide to get up and walk to the living room. He doesn't normally let me go around by myself, with the possibility of me giving birth any day now.

No one will listen to me, I can tell its going to be a few more weeks. My body just doesn't feel ready. As soon as I stand I get a dizzy feeling and stumble to the bathroom. I crouch over the toilet and vomit.

I can feel the air around me become stale. Uriah is staring at me from the threshold of the bathroom. I can't tell I he's angry or if he's concerned of my well being.

I vomit again. I don't know what's going on. All of a sudden everything started getting fuzzy and my body had gone limp and headed for the floor. Arms wrapped around my shoulders and swollen belly.

Uriah stood me up and put his arm behind my knees and carried me into the office, where Peter had all of his medical supplies. I was now unconscious.
I woke up curled in a little ball. I was alone that I could see. The room was cool. I sat up and pulled the blanket up around my shoulders. Peter sat at the desk waiting for me to wake up.

"What happened?" I asked softly.

"The fetus is healthy, and is still growing. I can't stop it and I can't slow it down. It's taking the nutrition from your body that you need. I'll have to keep a closer eye on you," he said tiredly.

I didn't think vampires could sound tiered.

"But I did discover something you would want to know," he smiled warmly.

"What is it?"

"It's a girl," his small smile made a slim ray of sun shine into the room.

I was going to have a little girl, a daughter of my own.

What would happen to her?

"Does Uriah know any of this?" I asked.


"Is it okay if I go to the living room?"

"Of course."

I got up and walked into the living room, Peter close behind. I sat down beside Uriah and lay my head on his shoulder. He rubbed my belly.

"Uriah," I said smiling softly. He looked at me blankly. "It's a girl."

A smile split his face. He bent down and kissed my belly.

"She's going to be perfect," he said with a velvet tone.
It was the middle of the night. I got got a searing white hot pain in my lower back and my stomach got tight. I gasped. Uriah woke up.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"It's time," I said worriedly. "The baby's coming and she's not waiting much longer."

Uriah packed a quick bag and put it on his shoulders. He caries me bridal style down the hall to the office. He opened the door.

Peter's head was on the desk and he was asleep. I didn't think vampires could sleep.

"Peter, it's time. We need to go," Uriah said.

Peter got up and walked with us out to the car. Peter drove and Uriah sat in the back with me. I cried out in pain.
When I got into my hospital room it was time to push. There was no more waiting.

After fifteen minutes of pushing she cried my little girl was here.

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