A Heated Moment

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Hello guys! Here is the new chapter. I am happy about it and excited for you guys to read it. Hope you enjoy! :)

Hailey was still holding on to Jay. Jay was holding as tightly as he thought appropriate. How he wished he could just hold her more intimately, caress her, kiss her and make her feel better. But that was not to be done, at least not yet. After a while it seemed Hailey realised where she was and who she was holding and that made her retreat forcefully. As she moved back she noticed as well that she wasn't wearing much nor was Jay fully dressed. Jay continued looking in her eyes, hoping she wouldn't regret this or get mad about it. But Hailey didn't speak at all, she simply got up and went to the bathroom. Taking the opportunity at hand, Jay got up quickly and went to the living room hoping to put on his T-shirt. When he returned he observed that she hadn't come out yet. He waited patiently, trying to go through every possible outcome of this situation. Suddenly the door opened slightly and Hailey came out wearing sweats and a jacket. Jay was relived in a way he didn't think he needed to be until that point. She sat down on the bed still not looking at him, embarrassed or at least too conscious of herself now. But finally she said in a soft whisper, "Jay, I am sorry about all this. I really didn't mean for this to happen. And that's why I wanted you to leave in the first pla"—

But before she could finish her sentence Jay had placed his lips softly on hers. Hailey didn't react, either she didn't expect this or she didn't have the strength to respond. Jay nonetheless, didn't care about all that, he pulled her closer and again they were as close as before. He grabbed her by the waist, softly though, and she was almost sitting on him. She let herself go for a moment and it was pure joy for both of them. Nothing mattered anymore. But as quickly as Hailey experienced this bliss that quickly she also realised she was letting herself fall into a trap, she was letting her emotions take control and that was always a bad idea. She gently pushed Jay's chest, thank God it wasn't bare anymore, she thought. But Jay didn't seem to understand why she wanted to stop this, so he pursued but Hailey had shut down. She gave him a slightly harder push and Jay backed off. Between her breaths Hailey managed to say, "Not like this, please."

If Jay understood what she was saying he didn't show it. He was simply shocked that he had let this happen and he was upset at himself for making Hailey feel the way she did now. He had controlled himself the better part of the night but ultimately his will didn't hold much power and he was taken over by his emotions and desires. They were still seated closely and Hailey's hands were still on his chest and she could feel his heart racing. She didn't know she had such an effect on him. She tried to say something finally, "Jay... I can't do this right n"—

"You don't have to explain Hailey. It's my fault, I shouldn't have done that," Jay said looking down and lifting Hailey and placing her on the bed.

Before Hailey could hold him, he was already up and heading towards the door. She called out softly, "Jay..."

"It's okay Hailey, you should really get some rest," and just like that Jay was gone and the door was shut.

Outside Jay was in a chaotic state. He couldn't believe he had actually tried to kiss Hailey in one of her most vulnerable moments. And he was ashamed that she had to stop him, in spite of her being low on energy and just getting out of a traumatic experience, she had to use her will to stop this, whereas it shouldn't have even happened in the first place. What was happening to him and why was he so attracted to Hailey? It wasn't something normal he concluded, and he had to get his act together soon.

Hailey on the other hand was really happy that Jay was there for her in these difficult moments but she just couldn't give him what he wanted. She couldn't bring herself to do that even with Jay. That thought made her reflect why she said 'even' Jay but she didn't have an explanation for it or she didn't want to understand it. The moment she had calmed down a little she had realised that Jay had been holding her all the while and he had seen this dark and disturbed side of her. His bare body had not helped the situation one bit. And he must have also noticed how little she was wearing and what a task it might have been for him to not make a move? But why should it be a feat for him considering nothing was going on between them? Why was she thinking on those lines at all? If Kim had undergone such an experience would Jay have tried to make a move on her considering the same situation presented itself? Probably not, and Jay wasn't a sex addict that he would do it with literally anyone. So did Jay really like her more than a partner? The moment that thought entered Hailey's mind, she felt goose bumps on her skin. Was she out of her mind? And if this were true, it was only true because she believed in it, Jay had never confessed to anything. So she needed to stop racking her brain over something that did not exist. What she didn't realise was that she wanted Jay to feel that way because she was beginning to feel like that herself.

Whatever it was, it didn't matter. After what Booth had put her through she doubted whether she would let anyone ever get so intimate with her, let alone touch her. She wouldn't put herself through that turmoil again, no, she wouldn't be able to take that kind of pain again.

The following morning Hailey woke up earlier than she expected to and headed to the kitchen. On the way, she saw Jay sprawled on the couch lazily. His stomach was facing down and one of his legs were dangling. She couldn't help but smile at the sight. She walked past him not wanting to wake him up just yet. He too needed to rest, he must have been exhausted. She made coffee and sat at her small table in the kitchen. Then she was arranging a few things when suddenly she heard a hey from behind her and she turned to see Jay looking at her pleasantly. He had held her elbows lightly and that had made her body go rigid and tense. Jay not understanding what this was about, let go nonetheless clarifying that he had no hidden motive. Hailey was slightly pressed against the counter by the sudden change but she moved out immediately. "There's coffee if you want some."

"Yeah, thanks," Jay said picking up a cup from the cabinet. He thought for a moment and decided to voice his thoughts, "Listen Hailey, about last night. I didn't mean to you know... kiss you like that."

Then how did you want to kiss me, thought Hailey inwardly. She had to stop this before it wasn't in her control anymore. "It's okay Jay, don't worry about it," she said, actually understanding the situation. They had been living on emotions and last night their emotions had peaked and resulted in that. And that was the end of that she tried to assure herself.

Jay was looking at her not really convinced that she had dropped the matter so easily. But he nodded and sat down at the table, glad that the little moment they had shared which could have been pregnant with problems, was sorted and they were on good terms again. Jay glanced at the clock, another sign that he knew Hailey's house as well as his. It was time for him to leave, he didn't want to but Voight would be waiting for him. He said, "Listen Hailey, I have to go otherwise Voight will have my ass."

"Yeah, I know," Hailey agreed with a small smile on her face, knowing exactly well how Voight functioned.

"So I'll see you in the evening?" Jay asked already decided that he would come here after his shift. But he had to ask to make it seem as though he was not interfering in her life.

"Yeah," Hailey said glad that she would see him again later.

That concludes this chapter. If I were to be honest, I will admit that I am really enjoying writing this story. I have several ideas on how to proceed and I am excited to explore them. Needless to say, you guys are what keep me motivated. Looking forward to your responses and comments. Thank you!

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