One Again

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Hello guys! Here is the next chapter. All I will say is emotional, emotional and emotional. I am proud of this one and enjoyed writing it. Hope you enjoy too. :)

They were still embracing each other and Hailey's tears had fallen on his chest. Because he was so much taller than her he always held her head, resting his on hers. Hailey had denied his proposal but his feelings for her didn't change one bit, he still loved her as much. He was just so happy that Hailey was opening up, being vulnerable with him. The woman that was so badass, so direct, so harsh sometimes, of course because their job was such, so unapologetic, broke down only in his arms, and nobody else's. And there was just something so liberating and satisfying about that. Jay got even more emotional when he thought about how she got emotional and vulnerable only in front of him, she cried only in front of him, she showed all her hidden versions only to him. And this was his strength, she was his strength. It showed how much she trusted him and how much she respected him. She was never one to express her love openly, but he knew how much she loved him. Her every look, her every touch, her every expression and her every word, confirmed to him the love she had for him. And he never forced her to be more direct about her expression because he knew that wouldn't be who she really was. God, did he love her. In that moment he knew he would wait for her however long it took, his heart would never change. Hailey's name was written on it forever.

Hailey on the other hand, had similar emotions stirring within her. She loved him most for his unparalleled understanding nature. He always understood her and that's what always touched her heart immediately and she couldn't help loving him more. Jay was a tough cop, but as Voight said, he was wired through the heart. But that was true only for when he was at work, with her he was only heart, his heart was always infinitely open for her and she felt at home when she was with him. When she had met him he had been the most reserved and secretive person ever. He had never shared anything with her, he had always kept to himself. And who could blame him, she had also done the same. And perhaps this element was what brought them so close and formed such a deep understanding between them. Hailey remembered all the times they had worked together, he would always go in first, always protect her. He would handle all the suspects in a rough and touch manner, but the moment he was with her he became so soft and gentle. In one moment he would be arresting a prick with a considerable amount of force but the very next moment when they had to search a house, his hand on her shoulder would feel like a delicacy, so tender and yet so powerful. He always looked at her one moment longer than necessary and that always confirmed the love he had for her. The moment they had taken that next step he had looked at her blatantly for long minutes, smiling and staring into her eyes, making her wonder how she had got so lucky and whether she even deserved a man like Jay.

What both of them didn't know was that they were perfect for each other and deserved each other than any two people could. Their love was founded on their trust and understanding and nothing could knock that down, nothing at all.

Finally they separated, both almost in tears. Hailey's hair brushed past her face in the manner which is never intended but it appeals to the eye and Jay noticed that and looked down at her. She was still looking down, knowing fully well that he was looking at her. She looked up slowly and found his green eyes staring right at her. He brushed her hair aside gently and couldn't help but notice the beauty that was in front of him. He placed both his hands softly on her cheeks and approached her face. Hailey automatically shut her eyes, anticipating what was to come. But moments passed and nothing happened which forced her to open them again, and she saw Jay smiling slightly. He inched closer to her face and whispered in a deep voice which had a greater effect on her, "Become mine tonight Hailey."

She met his eyes and she saw a spark and love in them that she had never seen before. She exhaled heavily suddenly, realising that she had held her breath all this while. She looked at him a moment longer and finally moved away from him. She grabbed his hand gently and led him towards the bedroom. Jay was smiling behind her, and all of a sudden he was super nervous as though he was about to experience what was about to transpire for the first time. Hailey let his hand go in the bedroom and shut the door gently, looking at him shyly and anticipating what was to come as well. They hadn't done this it had been weeks and suddenly they couldn't wait another minute. Jay approached her and grabbed her face gently and literally leaned down to kiss her, instantly making her rise on her toes. His kiss was so vulnerable and so soft that Hailey melted immediately. His hands on her face sent a shiver right down her spine and she felt her heart racing. She could sense almost in an instant how much Jay wanted this. He was not even letting her breath in between, he just didn't want to separate. She opened her eyes slightly during the kiss and saw Jay's eyes, they were shut but they revealed so much. Both of them felt the need to be united today, more so physically. Finally he stepped back, panting on her face, his eyes still closed. He led her to the bed, made her lie down gently, always aware of her recent injuries and stepped back, admiring her for a moment. He always did that and it drove Hailey crazy, she was too overwhelmed by the way he looked at her continuously. Then he pulled his T-Shirt over his head in a swift motion and dropped the garment on the floor and moved towards her. He leaned down to capture her lips again, meanwhile his hand taking out her jacket. She was wearing a tank top inside and Jay looked at her smiling. She looked at him wondering what the smile was about, but not caring too much as it didn't really matter. One by one their clothes were discarded and they were naked once again. All the while Jay's eyes remained fixed on hers, not bothering to look anywhere else. He was hovering over her, looking at her every reaction as he was doing things to her. She was enjoying it, he could tell because she was really out of control under him and the sounds that were escaping her mouth seemed those of pure pleasure. He continued until he knew the point had arrived where she would be thrown off the edge. He positioned at her entrance and waited for her response, she nodded. He never did this without her permission and Hailey loved that about him. He entered her in one motion and stilled for both of them to adjust to this new position. Then he started moving slowly, only looking into her eyes, wanting to see everything he did to her.

Hailey couldn't keep it together, she was thrashing under him, moaning in his face and screaming from time to time. Her eyes were shutting in pleasure and that's when Jay spoke softly, "Look at me Hailey," repeating her words from earlier.

"I want to see you when you come," he continued softly.

Hailey was forced to keep an eye contact with, not that she didn't want to, but she was just all over the place. Now she was trying to grab onto anything for friction and she managed in between ragged breaths, "Jay... I am going to come."

"Yeah, I know," he replied still staring into her eyes.

And she did, eliciting a sound which wasn't a moan nor a scream but a unique sound that escaped her whenever she came. And that always drove Jay over the edge, this time as well. He came right after her, panting and breathing heavily. He lay down next to her opening one of the sheets to cover her, because he knew that she always liked to do this once they were done. Hailey was still coming down from her high. For a few moments the room was filled with their paced breathing. Then Jay spoke, "Hailey?"

She looked at him and said, "Yeah?"

"Will you be my girlfriend again?"

His voice was so innocent and so sincere that Hailey was almost in tears. She approached him and he turned on his side too and looked at her. She smiled briefly and answered, "Yeah, of course. Always."

He returned her smile, delighted by her response. This time he approached her fully and rested his head on her shoulder. She smiled and started caressing his hair. Jay was asleep in no time. When she was certain he was actually asleep she got up and got dressed. It was her turn to stare at him blatantly and smile to herself. He looked so peaceful in his sleep. She went to him and sat next to him, caressing his hair again. Then her hand traversed his cheek gently, full of affection. He was hers once again and Hailey couldn't help but feel the delight it brought to her heart. She kissed his forehead softly then moved towards the bullet scar that was still present just next to his shoulder. Her hand roamed his chest lightly, feeling his skin and his muscles. Then she lay down next to him.

Jay Halstead was her boyfriend again and there was nothing better than that for Hailey Upton.

And that concludes this chapter. Drop in your thoughts and thank you for always reading. :)

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