Extenuating Circumstances

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Hello guys! Here's the next chapter. I hope you guys like it. The story is moving along. :) 

Hank dropped Hailey at her place and left telling her he would be waiting for her call. Hailey entered her apartment still not certain about what to do. She didn't want to lie to Jay and she didn't know how she could achieve that if she had to listen to Voight's orders. Jay was probably waiting for her at his place right now and she wouldn't even go there if she decided to go undercover. It took a long while for Hailey to make up her mind. But the moment she had decided what she was going to do she called Voight. As she was waiting for him she shot a text to Jay that read, "Go to sleep, I'll see you soon."

The moment Jay received this text he wondered if something was wrong. He had been looking at his phone every two minutes to see if she had sent him a message. He tried calling her but she didn't pick up and he finally dropped the matter, realising that Voight was still probably with her. But he couldn't seem to understand what this was all about. Finally he decided whatever it was, it could be dealt with tomorrow and just like that he went to bed.

The following morning Jay headed to the district alone because Hailey hadn't asked him to pick her up and he was eager to see her. He arrived earlier than usual hoping to catch her and asking her what was going on. But he waited a long while and still she hadn't come to the district. Finally he asked Vanessa if she knew anything and Vanessa said she had no idea and she herself was worried. Voight arrived finally and announced that they had a new case in their hands today. Jay couldn't help but ask, "Where's Hailey Sarge?"

Voight looked at Jay for a long moment and continued with his briefing about the case, ignoring his question. Jay knew better than to ask again but when the briefing was over he followed Voight into his office and was decided to get an answer from the man. "Sarge, what's going on and where's Hailey?" he asked in frustration.

"Jay, why don't you just learn to let things be the way they are," Voight answered back avoiding Jay's initial question again.

Jay was furious now. What was Voight trying to do? Had he sent her away because he thought this would be best for the both of them and for the unit? Or was she sick? Or had he sent her undercover? All these questions boiled in Jay's mind and it appeared that Voight wasn't going to give him any answers.

"Sarge, you can't do this," Jay said, defeated and hurt.

"Do what?" Voight asked.

"You can't send her away. Especially not because of our relationship. It's just not right," he finished sadly.

"I haven't sent her anywhere Jay, she'll be fine. Don't worry about her and focus on your job. We do have a new case today," Voight concluded.

Jay left the office more angry than before but there was nothing he could do about it. He didn't know at whom he was more furious, was it Voight or was it Hailey? How could she just leave without even telling him anything? It was so upsetting and hurtful that Jay couldn't help but feel the emotion overtake him. From Voight's final words he could guess he had probably sent her undercover, but why the secrecy? Did he not trust him? Or did he not trust Hailey on keeping this a secret? Or was this whole thing a test for the both of them? All these thoughts gave Jay a headache and it was best if he concentrated on his work right now.

The day went by as usual, except he didn't have Hailey to look at or speak to and make jokes. And somehow he realised that that was a big part of his day and he missed it dearly now. When his shift ended he tried calling her several times but no response, so he went to her house but only Vanessa was there, who reassured him she would be back soon. A week went by in this manner and Jay thought she would finally come but no sign of Hailey. He waited patiently, but another week passed by and still no one had heard from her. What the hell was going on? Jay was worried out of his mind and he missed her so much now that he needed to see her. He knew Voight was going to be of no help so he decided to speak to Trudy. Trudy herself wasn't allowed to divulge information about undercover operations and she wasn't going to until Jay insisted and pleaded that he needed to know where she was. He needed to find her, needed to know whether she was alright. Platt assured him that she was fine and there was nothing to worry about, but Jay wasn't satisfied by that and he needed a place. So finally Trudy gave him a bar that was nearby and one which Hailey frequented in her undercover operation. Jay left immediately and didn't even listen to Trudy's final words. She too had sensed there was something going on between the two and now her doubts were confirmed by seeing Jay behave in such a way.

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