426. Louie's Missing

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"Well...I heard that he...kinda sorta..." Sunset trailed. "Sunset...tell me what happened to my son....I will kill you right here, right now, if you don't." Rainbow said, her voice and hands now very shaky. "He's missing, alright?! We've checked your house, and he isn't there, Lexi seems to know nothing, nobody knows anything, not even his brothers. Also, his car you got him is gone." Sunset said quickly. Rainbow's face went dead again. "W-what?" Was all she said, and she struggled to say that alone.


"We don't know where he is....I'm so sorry. We didn't know where you or Blaze had gone, and we tried to fix this issue, but we CAN'T FUCKING FIND HIM! HE DISAPPEARED!! We tried contacting Hoops, but we don't know his number, and we don't know where smug lives, so we can't ask him." Sunset added. Rainbow's eyes were about to be glassed over, but miraculously dried and there was soon sudden anger in her eyes. "Of course he'd do this. I knew I couldn't fucking trust him....UGHHH GODDAMMIT!" Rainbow raged, walking away from everyone.


"Wait who are you talking about?" Pinkie pie asked. "HOOPS! WHO ELSE WOULD I FUCKING BE TALKING ABOUT?! He doesn't see his son as often as he wants, and I had the BIGGEST gut feeling that he would try to do something to change that, which is why I sent them to my mother and father's house!! HOW DID HE GO MISSING FROM THERE?!?!?!" Rainbow asked, her eyes getting glassed over. Her pupils were ultimately slits now, showing how angry she was, but she was also currently stressed.


She snapped her fingers to teleport everyone to her living room, and she stormed upstairs by herself. "Damn she's gotten good at this spell." Cameron scoffed. Blaze quickly followed her up the stairs, and into her room. "Welcome home Rainboo! Wha--uh oh...you found out about Louie...didn't you?" Lexi asked. "Lexi PLEASE! YOU HAVE TO KNOW SOMETHING! WHERE DID HOOPS TAKE LOUIE?!" Rainbow begged, barely able to see anything anymore. "Dash please calm down! This isn't good, I know, but please try to stay calm. DON'T YELL AT ME, I know your son is missing. We need to stay calm, and think of a way to find him." Blaze begged her.


She tried to calm down, she really did, but she was too worked up about what Hoops had done. "Oookkay. I'm gonna take you back downstairs, and get you a popsicle or something. Let's go." He said picking her up in the cradle position. He brought her downstairs where everyone else had found a place to sit while Kitty was looking around. "She's really upset. Someone please get something for her to stress eat..." Blaze asked. "I got it." Cameron said, snapping his fingers. He handed Rainbow a Plasma Fruit.


"They turned out just fine in my garden. Here." He said. She didn't take it. She just stared at the black television, her fist grip getting tighter. "M....maybe I will give this to her later...." He said, making it vanish into thin air. There was a sudden knock on the door and Rainbow immediately stood up. "I'll get it. Stay here." Rainbow said. She walked over to the door, everyone waiting and watching. She opened it and was nearly pulled outside, but she resisted. "What the--Razor?! What are you doing here unannounced AGAIN?!" She exclaimed loudly for everyone to hear. "Who?" Sunset asked.


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