438. Happy Birthday Windy Whistles

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Rainbow and Blaze went to her parent's house for her mom's birthday, and when she was opening gifts, Rainbow handed hers over. "Aww honey! You didn't have to get me anything! My grandkids and daughter did plenty! Even Bow did." Windy laughed. "I think you'll find this gift to be quite promising...." Blaze said, wrapping an arm around Rainbow's shoulders. Windy shrugged and reached in the bag. She pulled out a small box, and opened it. She gasped loudly. "No! REALLY?!?!?!?" She squealed.


"Yep....again...." Rainbow said with a side smile. "Is it a girl or a boy?!?" Windy asked excitedly. "Uh...we don't know yet. We just found out two days ago." Rainbow said with a smile. Windy hugged her tightly. "Congratulations honey and thank you! Let me know the gender as SOON as you find out, alright?!" She begged. "Ha! Of course mom! Always!" She answered with a smile. The next day, Rainbow was still more exhausted than ever. Her friends came over to drop off her kids, since Blaze told them that she wasn't in the right state to pick them up. Of course they went to her room to make sure she was alright.


"Yeah...I'm fine. Just...stomach pains...." She said. "Did you eat something bad?" Twilight asked. "No....I'm pregnant....again..." Rainbow answered. There were multiple gasps of surprise. "I completely saw this coming after the look you gave one another when you came back from your trip!" Rarity said excitedly. "Congrats!" Sunset said. "I mean...its Blaze's kid, so we're happy. All there is to do now.....is to find out whether it's a boy or a girl..." She sighed. "Well...what do you want it to be?" AppleJack asked, holding her own stomach.


"Well....the first time I wanted sons, and....that's what nature gave me...so I guess I'd rather not deal with girls right now, so I'm hoping for another boy." Rainbow said. "I was hoping for a girl this time..." Blaze mumbled. "Why?" She asked him. "Well....it would be awesome to have a daughter to buy gifts for all the time. Yea, I bond with Travis more than anyone, but I also wanna bond with a daughter too. And help her become a daddy's girl....heh..." Blaze laughed. "A daddy's girl, huh? If I did have a daughter, she'd be a momma's girl! Fuck you!" Rainbow laughed as well.


"We could take care of that right now if you'd like?" He said with a smirk. She just laughed even harder. Over the course of the next two weeks, she avoided her kids to not give them the news yet, but because her stomach was getting bigger, she decided to tell them before they thought worse. Besides, she had to go find out the gender anyway with Blaze today, so asking the kids would be a good idea beforehand...right? "Guys?" She called, knocking on their door. "Yeah?" Travis responded. "Uh..how would feel about having another sibling?" She asked, poking only her head in.


"Uh, if we were to get one, I want a sister." Travis said. "Me too! I would love a little sister to play with!! I don't mind sharing my toys!" Tyler said excitedly. "What about you, Louie? What kind of sibling would you want?" Rainbow asked. "Either works for me. Another brother would be totally cool, for gaming with, but then again, girls can totally be gamers too, and I'd like to see her strategy. So, like I said, either works for me." He said with a shrug. "Alright then. Me and Blaze have to go somewhere today. You guys think you'll be alright in your own?" Rainbow asked. "Of course mom!" Louie said.


"Can I hug you before you leave?" Tyler asked. "Uh, sorry buddy but that's gonna have to be a no. I'll have some news for you when I get back though, and then you can hug me all you want, alright?" Rainbow said, and Tyler nodded. She closed the door behind her, and smiled to herself. "They all want a sister. They want a girl...geez..." She thought to herself.


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