452. The Kids Hold Dusky

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A/N: Ty OnaylieAcosta for this adorable art! The kids spending time holding Dusky!




As Blaze kissed Rainbows forehead, there was another knock on the door. Blaze opened the door and the kids walked in again. "Can we hold the baby?" Louie asked. "Of course, just be careful. We've decided that her name is Dusky." Rainbow said. She saw Tyler's facial expression, showing that he was extremely sad, but he immediately tried to disregard the sadness, and forced a smile when he looked at his sister. Louie held her first, and he smiled down at her.


Tyler stood behind him and gawked at Dusky. "I think she's sleeping." Travis whispered, watching Louie as well. "She's so cute though!" Tyler squealed. "Is it my turn to hold her yet?!?" Tyler asked Rainbow, getting more and more antsy by the minute. She just laughed and nodded. She let the kids hold the baby as she gradually fell asleep. Blaze pulled a chair closer to the bed, and sat with her as the kids held Dusky. Before Blaze dozed off himself, he took Dusky back, and put her in the crib next to Rainbow Dash, and started falling asleep himself.


When Tyler saw his dad falling asleep, he grabbed his brothers and dragged them out the room. They were confused at first, but after Tyler pointed out that their parents were sleeping, they agreed to leaving. Blaze woke up to a soft knock on the door. He groaned and rubbed his eyes, before getting up to answer it. "Hi! I'm here to check up on our mother?" The nurse said sweetly. "She and the baby are still asleep." Blaze said groggily.


"But it's breakfast time for the baby...we have to get her under a schedule before I can send you guys home." The nurse said, walking into the room. "Ms. Rider?" The nurse said softly. That didn't work. "Which name would she rather go by?" She asked Blaze. "Eh, she can go by both, when we got married she did decide to take my last name, but also keep her own. You can use both." Blaze laughed. After a second failed attempt at waking Rainbow Dash, Blaze decided to do it himself. "You uh....may have to leave for about 5-,7 minutes. Are you alright with that?" Blaze asked the nurse.


"Oh...uh...okay. I do have other moms to check up on, so I don't mind. See you guys in a bit!" The nurse whispered sweetly as she left the room. Blaze stared at Rainbow as he cut his wrist, and watched as her eyes shot open. "Hungry?" Blaze asked. She sat up and wiped her eyes properly this time, yawning in the process. "Yeah, but I'm still sleepy..." Rainbow groaned. "Well hurry because the nurse will be back in about 6 minutes." Blaze warned as he handed her his wrist. Right when she finsihed the nurse knocked on the door again.


"How are we doing in here?" She asked, poking her head in. "Good morning." Rainbow said as she walked in. "How is our mother doing today?" The nurse asked. "I'm alright...when do I get to leave?" Rainbow asked. The nurse picked up Dusky, and cradled her.


"Well, we need to get little Dusky under a feeding schedule, and if that goes well, then I can send you guys home. Although....I will miss this adorable baby..." The nurse sighed sadly. She handed Dusky to Rainbow, and sighed again. Rainbow saw how much the nurse loved Dusky, so when the nurse left, and she started feeding Dusky, she thought of an idea for the nurse.


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