448. Panic Day

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A/N: Hilarious art by OnaylieAcosta! Blaze's face is absolutely PRICELESS!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣




Blaze was gonna snap, but he tried his best to hold it together until the baby was born, and luckily, the moment finally came! The triplets were in the living room, playing games and such, while Blaze was at the table on his phone. "DAMMIT!!" Rainbow yelled, nearly falling over. "Dash!? What's wrong?!" Blaze said in a panic, looking up at her. "Just...a really, really, REALLY bad contraction. I'm totally fine thou--" She stopped when she felt something wet go down her leg.


"Why did you stop talking?" Blaze asked. "I think...I think it's time....." She hesitantly said. "What..." Blaze said, his face showing a dead expression. "God dammit Blaze! I'm finally having the damn baby! Can you get the bag so we can leave already?!? If you don't, you'll be delivering your own fucking daughter!" Rainbow raged. "Alright! Alright! I go get the bag!" Blaze quickly said, running up the steps as fast as he could. "Mom are you okay?" Tyler asked. "No! Your sister is coming and I'm panicking!" Rainbow said, her eyes filling up with tears.


"Is it different from when we were born?" Travis asked. "YES! Very, VERY different! But both times were extremely stressful!" She winced as she felt another harsh kick inside her stomach. "Kids! You're going to see your grand parents. But on Dash's side!" He said quickly, picking Rainbow up and carrying her to his car immediately. The kids hopped in, and he zoomed to Windy Whistles' house to drop of the kids. "What's the rush, dear? Is it so important that I can't say hi to my daughter?" She asked Blaze.


"Uh, YEAH! Unless you want me to deliver your granddaughter, I suggest I leave immediately. Also, if I don't, she'll kill me." Blase said quickly. "Oh! Go on then! Tell her I love her!" Windy said, pushing him out of the house. "WILL DO!" He panicked, starting the car again. "Hi, Prism!" Tyler said happily, waving cutely. "Hey, Tyler! What's wrong with my sister?" Prism asked. "She's having a baby. Shes gonna name our sister Jewel Daze!" Tyler said happily. "Uh...why THAT name?" Prism asked, slightly disgusted.


"Because that's the name I suggested to mom and dad. She said she would consider it, but I told her that if our sister was named Jewel Daze, she could play with my Capatin Jewel doll!" Tyler said with a happy smile. "Sheesh....I almost forgot how childish you were..." Prism scoffed, rolling her eyes. She put a hand on his shoulder and sighed. "Buddy, I hate to be the one to break it to ya, but there is no way in hell, my sister is naming my niece that. When she told you that she would consider the name, it more than likely means she isn't gonna use it." She said bluntly.


His jaw dropped, and his eyes filled with tears. "Aww, don't cry, buddy! I'm sure my niece would still wanna play with your...ugh...Captain Jewel doll." Prism said. Tyler was suddenly happy again, and wrapped his arms around Prism. "Aww! You're the best aunt ever!!" Tyler said. "Ugh...I'm literally only 2 months older than you..." She said, slightly disgusted.


"So? That doesn't mean you can't be awesome!" Tyler said with a big smile, hugging her tighter. This made Prism smile softly a little, and she hugged him back. "Thanks buddy. That...that means alot." She said sweetly. Blaze hurried into the hospital, carrying Rainbow Dash in his arms.


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