461. It's Time She Told Them

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Ella gave Cameron a hidden look, that was a mixture between a glare, and a pity look. Because she was a vampire, she naturally didn't feel guilt. But after what she just said to him, she felt something like guilt, but couldn't fathom what exactly it was. Cameron looked off to the side sadly, and walked back to his study to read. Reading was always an outlet for him whenever he felt stressed, sad, angry, or anything else. Rainbow returned home, to three little boys were staring her down with one raised brow.


"Oh...uh....H-hey guys...you should've been in bed by now...." She stammered. "Yeah, we know. We were waiting for you to get back with Dusky, but Dusky isn't even in your arms. Did you forget her or something?" Travis asked suspiciously. "Oh! She's...in her room..😅" Rainbow said with nervous laughter. "Wow. Our own mom is a LIAR! Nice try, mom. We TOTALLY caught you red handed!!" Louie said with a scowl. "Mommy, we saw her in her room already. We even took a picture before you got here, see?" Tyler shyly said, showing Rainbow Dash the picture of the sleeping Dusky om his phone.


"Okay, first of all, STOP CALLING ME 'MOMMY!' YOU KNOW I HATE THAT SHIT!!! Secondly, fine, you caught me. I came home to tell you three detectives something ANYWAY!! Go. Get. Blaze. Before I ground all three of you for disrespect." She exclaimed with a harmfully menacing glare, that struck dear into each of them, and they ran to get Blaze.


Travis shook Blaze as hard as he could to attempt to wake his snoring father. "Ugh...what?!" Blaze groaned, turning over with his forearm over his eyes. "Dad....mom's home....and she needs you." Travis said in a low whisper. "Shes also angry....very angry...." Tyler squeaked. "And probably hungry as shit..." Their father groaned again. Blaze let out a deep exhale, and laid in the same position for a minute or two, before finally sitting up, and walking downstairs with the triplets. Rainbow was sitting angrily on the couch, with her arms folded as she waited and watched the boys' every move.


"What is it, Dash? Hungry again?" Blaze sleepily asked, grabbing his pocket knife from the end table. Louie stared at the knife, wondering why Blaze would need a knife to feed Rainbow Dash, unless he was going to cut an animal....? "Kinda, yeah. Sit down next to me, while the three idiot--DETECTIVES sit in front of me. Now." She said, glaring at all of them. This time, she accidentally sent a chill down Blaze's spine, immediately waking him up even more. Her sons sat on the floor in front of her in a row, while Blaze silently sat next to her with his knife.


Rainbow clapped her hands to turn the lights on, and she looked at each of the boys. "Dash, what's going on? Weren't you supposed to be away for more than just a few hours? You said one to two weeks..." Blaze questioned. "Shut up. I know what I said, but I had to come home early. My training can wait. It's time I told them." Rainbow hesitantly said. Blaze stared at her in shock. "WHAT?! ARE YOU CRAZY?! They won't be able to keep it a secret! You know how big kids' mouths can be!" Blaze fussed.


"Yeah. Mine was big enough to fit you're dick in it, so I'm pretty sure I can imagine how big a kid's mouth is." Rainbow said with a scoff and smirk. Travis and Louie nearly vomited on site, but they held it together to not get slapped. Tyler secretly wanted another blowjob, but he was careful not to think about it for too long, or something might happen...something he wouldn't want to happen. Not right now, at least. Blaze was suddenly horny after she said those words, and he tried his best to stay focused and ignore it. "What do you wanna tell us, mommy--mom!" Tyler corrected himself as Rainbow started to glare again.


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