424. Rainbow's Missing Half

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"I do think that around that time I started getting jealous of you and how obsessed he acted whenever I tried to talk to him. All he talked about, was you. Whenever you accomplished something, whenever you and your parents went out somewhere, your birthday, and SO much more. And it just got SO FUCKING ANNOYING, to the point where I started to behave more like you, instead of the girly girl I loved being. And that seemed to work for a while, and I was totally up to date with you, I even started to TALK like you, but I guess....he just wanted the real deal." Kitty said with a sad sigh.


"Is she implying that she was an obsessed fan of Rainbow Dash?" Sunset whispered. "Pretty much. Although with what she says, it seems she might have become her own obsessed fan of our Dash herself..." AppleJack responded. Rainbow's eyes softened at the words Kitty said, and her heart melted a little. "She seemed to be obsessed with getting Blaze to love her again. So much, that she went to great and dangerous lengths to become me...I feel bad even, but it's really not my fault. Blaze never even asked me if he wanted me to be his girlfriend, we just kinda sorta....became a couple..." Rainbow thought to herself.


"At last he has the real deal, and he finally happy. And, if I'm being honest to myself, that's what I really wanted for him. I wanted him to be happy. Over time I realized that he wasn't happy with me, and never would be, because I wasn't the kind of girl that he desired. I guess my attitude, behavior, interests, just weren't clicking with this guy, and he left. When I came across this pen, and realized that whatever I wrote down, it gave me what I asked for, I kinda took advantage of that, and got what I thought was what I truly wanted. I realize that having Blaze for myself isn't what I want anymore." Kitty said with a slight smile.


"And what do really want now?" Rainbow asked, speaking at last. Even Kitty Preen was shocked that Rainbow said something finally. "I...I'm lonely. There. I said it. I straight up said it. I have no friends, and there is a reason for that. I was too obsessed with getting him back to me, that my old friends lost touch with me, and I was a terrible friend anyway. Maybe if I had an actual friend, that I could talk to, vent with, teach me how to be a better friend and to genuinely have around when I need them, I think my life would be a lot better, and definitely make me happy?" Kitty asked, looking at Rainbow with sad eyes and a forced smile.


Rainbow looked at her from the side, expressionless, and then looked at her friends, and fiance. She looked at the glowing half of heart in her hand, and sighed. "You asking yourself, or asserting yourself?" Rainbow asked Kitty with a slight smirk after another 5 minutes of silence. She held up the half of heart in between them, her smile slowly getting bigger, but not that fast. Kitty looked at the crystal pen in her hand, already missing it. But she was ready to try her hand at friendship, so she held up the pen to the half of the heart.


The pen levitated in her palm, and started spinning, gaining more and more speed. It was soon glowing bright, and Cameron was released from his crystal prison as the crystals shattered, and Kitty's pen turned into a floating glowing half of a heart. It was Rainbow's missing half of the heart.


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