453. MOM'S HOME!

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A/N: Very cute art from OnaylieAcosta!




After two more days of trying to get Dusky on a good feeding schedule, Rainbow was ready to take Dusky home. The nurse had her keep a diaper on for excess bleeding, just in case. Rainbow wasn't a fan, but she rolled with it anyway. "Here." Rainbow said to the nurse, handing her a phone. "Im...confused?" The nurse said with a nervous laugh. "I know how much you love Dusky, and...you did help us out alot. So, to show my appreciation, I'm giving you my phone number, and just give me a call whenever you wanna see Dusky." Rainbow said with a tired smile.


The nurse gasped, and nearly cried. "Oh my goodness! Really?!" She asked in shock. "Totally! It's the least I can do. Thanks again!" Rainbow said with a wave. Blaze opened the door to her mother's house and let Rainbow Dash walk in with Dusky. Rainbow passed by her kids taking a picture, and she just so happened to walk by right when they were taking the photo. "Hi honey!" Windy said happily, rushing over to hug Rainbow. "Hi mom...." Rainbow groaned. "Oh my goodness! May I hold her? Pretty please?!" Her mom begged.


"Of course. I need a fucking break." Rainbow said, handing Dusky to her mother. "OH SHE IS SO CUTE!" Her mom squealed, hugging Dusly close. "Hi there! I'm your grandma, and you are the cutest!!" Windy cooed, rubbing the back of Dusky's head. Blaze hugged Rainbow Dash, and didn't let go. She automatically hugged back and her eyes started to water. "You did it. And I survived...." Blaze whispered. "You survived?! What about me? You survived nothing." Rainbow scoffed. "The hell I didn't! Your mood swings nearly made me go mad!" Blaze argued.


"I'm sorry I was so terrible to you....I didn't know what I was doing...." Rainbow said kind of sadly, her eyes starting to water again.  "Shit. I really need to learn to shut the fuck up sometimes..." Blaze thought, hugging her quickly. "Listen here, my sexy, emotional wife. You can treat me as terribly as you want. I don't care. I'm never leaving you again. Try all you fuckin want. This guy ain't goin anywhere." Blaze said with a smile. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him happily.


"I want you to know how proud of you I am for bringing my daughter into this world. I am forever grateful, and I'm sure she will be too." Blaze whispered to her. After staying at her mom's house for a couple of hours, Blaze drove them back to Rainbow's house. "Mom can we play with the baby?" Tyler asked as they walked inside. "Uh...maybe not now. Me and Dusky need to sleep. For a long....looong time. If yall need anything, ask Blaze." Rainbow said, heading up the steps, and leaving Blaze alone with the kids.


When she was was out of sight, the kids immediately turned to Blaze with wide smiles. "Why do I get the feeling that she just set me up? Again?" Blaze asked. Before he knew it, the kids were fighting over him. Tyler wanted Blaze to play dolls with him, Louie wanted to play video games with him, and Travis wanted to go shopping with him. They all wanted Blaze's attention since Rainbow was busy with Dusky. Travis and Louie pulled Blaze's arms, and Tyler just hugged onto his leg.


"Oh for the love of love itself! Could you guys...maybe...stop?" Blaze asked sweetly. They didn't listen. "He should spend time with me first!" Travis shouted. "Just because he's your real dad, doesn't mean he's always and only yours!" Tyler screamed, his vision getting blurry. "But it does mean that I get first dibs on his time, you big baby!" Travis snapped back, blowing a raspberry at Tyler. "Hey! I'm the dad of all of you! I take care of everyone!" Blaze argued.


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