428. Exciting Welcome

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"Eh..heh...heh, yeah. I know that all too well from when I was 18, and you violated Blaze. He wasn't happy." Rainbow said, wanting to hang up badly. "Yeah that shit was funny. Anyway, I'm about 2 minutes away now, so see you and Louie soon." He said. "Later." She said, hanging up. "You are absolutely devious!" Twilight exclaimed. "Blaze said I could continue, so I did. And when he gets here, he's gonna get the welcoming of a FUCKING life time...." She said in a scary tone. She stood at the door for the next minute, waiting for Hopps to arrive.


"He seemed to not know anything about Louie's disappearance though..." Fluttershy said. "Oh trust me, he knows something. And I'm gonna find out what the fuck it is..." She said in a scary tone. She sensed that he would be knocking soon and hand her hand already on the knob. She let him knock twice, before opening her door, and pulling inside, suspending him against the wall. "Wow! You're excited..." He said. "Where is my son, you dick?" She asked angrily. "You said he was here..." Hoops said, holding his hands up. "Where is my son?!" She asked, getting angrier.


"I know you did something with him, because you were mad at me! WHERE IS MY SON?!" She raged. "You're acting as crazy as you did when you were a teenager. I don't know anything about his disappearance." Hoops said. Rainbow reared back to punch his face, but punched the wall next to his head instead. "Hoops....look, I know you don't see him often. And...I carried this little guy for 9 annoying months. So if anything were to go down, I'd get custody REGARDLESS OF WHAT YOU MAY SAY OR THINK, ESPECIALLY BECAUSE YOU FUCKING RAPED ME TO MAKE HIM!" She yelled.


"Yes, I'm aware of my part in making Louie. But again, I know nothing of him going missing, I swear." He said, rolling his eyes. "I don't need Cameron's confirmation or magic to know for a goddamn fact that you are a LYING MOTHER FUCKER! GIVE ME YOUR PHONE!" Rainbow demanded. He handed it to her and rolled his eyes again. She checked the call logs, and saw nothing with Louie, and saw no texts between them either. "See? Told you." He said. He was suddenly concerned about Rainbow's unsettling smirk.


"It appears, that your dumb ass has forgotten, that I know the best Technology nerd in existence. And it just so happens, that she is my best friend, and she sits behind me as we speak...." She said, starting to laugh at the sudden worry in his eyes. "So, before I hack every nook and cranny of your phone, would you like to tell me something?" Rainbow asked in a sweet tone. He stayed silent, and shook his head. "I don't know what you're talking about." He said. "Alright. Your choice." Rainbow said, tossing his phone behind her towards Twilight.


"Crack it, Twi. If any evidence of any kind of ANY interactions with my son is found...you can count of being cut off from his life. I will erase all memories of you, and I will make SURE, that you will never have access to my son. AT. ALL. Speak now, or forever hold your peace, dude. Last chance." She said. "I'd like to see you try to keep me away from my son! You can't do that!" Hoops fussed. "I can. And I will. And you. Cant. Stop. Me." She said, flipping him off. "Rainbow...." Twilight called.


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