466. Potion Lady

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"What can we do about him now? He's not..moving..." Rainbow trailed. "Did he ever teach you about making potions?" Ella asked. "No....he said I'd learn that much later. I'm still a state 2 vampire." Rainbow replied. "You'll be stage three in about three days time, but I think it's time you learned a little bit about potions. That is, if you want to help Cameron?" Ella asked. "Of course I wanna help him. I can't just leave him like this NOW! I may not be able to protect him, but I can damn sure help him recover!" Rainbow said passionately.


Ella smiled warmly. "Well, pick him up and carry him to the study. I'll meet you there." She said, teleporting to the study. Rainbow carefully picked up Cameron's body and just stared at his face for a while, before slowly carrying him up the stairs. "This must be what it's like to be carried somewhere while you're sleeping. I hope I can help him..." She thought to herself. She arrived at the study and carefully laid Cameron down on the pillows that Ella had laid out for him. Rainbow pulled out his cauldron that he had tucked away and Ella handed her a recipe book with a potion bottle on the front of it.


"So...what potion do I need to make?" Rainbow asked. "A poisonous one. Cameron is technically immortal as well as "dead," so making him a potion that has the word "heal" or any properties of "healing" would harm him. So, because he isn't human, he needs the opposite to help him recover." Ella explained. Rainbow flipped through the pages to find the "poison" chapter, and she didn't know which severity potion she should make. "Do I need to make the strongest one or a regular one?" She asked Ella, staring at the pages.


"Starting off with the strongest one would be the best idea." Ella replied, staring at Cameron. Rainbow stared at the pages, but the words seemed to mesh together. She understood the language they were written in because she was also a vampire. The book wasn't written in English to her initial surprise. Rainbow grabbed her face in frustration, but finally managed to figure out what she needed. She grabbed a bottle of crushed red powder that smelled like sulfur, and poured a cup of it into the cauldron of water.


She let it come to a boil, and then grabbed a jar of spider eyes that were carefully harvested from spiders. Next to it was a spool of spider silk that was harvested from the same eyeless spiders. Rainbow shuddered and just carefully dumped 4 spider eyes into the cauldron. It turned a mystic purple color as it boiled some more. Finally, she grabbed some sparkly red powder from a giant sack, and used a two cups of that into the cauldron.


After she mixed that in, the liquid was a sparkling, deadly mauve color. "Well....i think that's what it's supposed to look like..." Rainbow said, staring at the swirling cauldron. Ella handed her five empty glass bottles that looked like the one on the cover of the book. "Fill these up with the potion liquid. We will only be using one of them for now, but the rest can be used at a later date when needed."


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