439. First Ultrasound

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She got in the car and held her stomach a little. "So what did they say?" Blaze asked. "They want a sister....Travis and Tyler do. Louie wants either one." Rainbow said. "Well, I guess we should find out once and for all..." Blaze shrugged, starting the car. "I've never seen this hospital before....where are we?" Rainbow asked him as he pulled into the parking lot. "The hospital where I was born. And I want this baby to be born here as well." He said, opening her door. He held an arm around her as they walked inside, and he let her sit down as he checked them in.


"Blaze....I kinda wanted this baby born at the same hospital as it's brothers...." She said. "Oh...I kinda wanted to avoid that place in case you know who ever turned up again." Blaze said when he got back to her. "Well, seeing as how this isn't either one of their kids, they wouldn't turn up there." Rainbow said. "Good point..." Blaze mumbled. "But I don't mind the baby being born here. I'm just worried about time. Like, if I suddenly go into labor, and it takes too long to get here and you have to deliver the baby for me! Imagine that!" Rainbow laughed a little.


"I have no experience delivering babies whatsoever, so if anything, I'd take you to Fluttershy..." He laughed a little too. They followed a nurse to a room, and didn't wait long for the doctor to come to help Rainbow Dash. "Hi! Congratulations to you two, by the way!" The doctor said. "Thanks!" Rainbow said with a smile. "So I hear you want to find out the gender of your baby?" He asked sweetly. "Yeah...its been a while, and I'm tired of being in the dark." Rainbow scoffed. "That's normal. Now, we have two ways of doing this, if you weren't already aware. I can give you an ultra sound, so you can also have pictures of your baby, or we can do blood work, which is new." He said.


"I've....honestly never had an ultrasound before, and I've already given birth to triplets." Rainbow shrugged. "Oh? Well, honestly, the ultrasound is less painful, in fact it's painLESS, compared to getting your blood drawn. But, it's your choice." Ths doctor said with a smile. Rainbow thought for a moment. "I think we'll try the ultrasound! I...I kinda want a picture of my baby. Never thought I'd say that!" She laughed. "Alright, then I'm gonna have you lay down here, but rest your back against here, alright?" He suggested, pushing her shoulder down gently against the medical bed. "Uh, okay..." she said awkwardly.


He put his gloves on, and lifted her shirt a little, only exposing her stomach. "Just a warning, the gel can be a little cold, so I'm sorry in advance." He laughed little. "Uh, that's fine too...I don't really mind." She said. After the gel application, he rubbed a small machine over her stomach, and told them both to look at the monitor to their right. "That's the baby?" Rainbow asked. "Yep. And from the looks of it...it's a--wait, do you wanna know now, or wait until you get home?" He asked,  cutting himself off. "We'd like to know now!" Rainbow and Blaze said simultaneously. "Is there a gender you were hoping for?" He asked.


"Well, I wanted son, my husband and triplet sons wanted a girl, so at this point, I'm overruled." Rainbow scoffed. "Alrighty! Well, from what I can see on the monitor...your baby is a definite girl! Congratulations!!" He chuckled.


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