431. Dress Check Out

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"I fuckin love it! It looks sexy as hell! WITH THAT, EVERYONE WOULD GET A FUCKIN BONER JUST LOOKING AT ME!" She fangirled over how sexy it was. "Now do you see why you'll be wearing these gold heels?" Rarity asked, using up a pair of shoes. "Wait...you want me to wear....THOSE?!" Rainbow asked, her eyes slightly twitching. "No. I want you to wear ghost shoes. Of course I want you to wear these, dum dum!" Rarity laughed. Rainbow shivered a little. "T-those...heels....I.." She trailed her sentence. "Are you okay?" Fluttershy asked her.


"Darling...you're not afraid of high heels, are you?" Rarity asked. "Uh! No-no! Of course not! They're just shoes!" Rainbow was a little flustered. "Hm. How about this: I'll have you try on the dress without the heels, but on your wedding day, you will have to wear the heels, but only for the actual wedding." Rarity sighed. "You won't have to wear them for the reception, and when you and Blaze leave for your honeymoon." She finished. "O-okay....I'm so sorry Rarity. I know you wanted me to look nice, but..." Rainbow winced. "It's not who you are, I know. I just can't change you no matter what. I guess you can be fabulous with sneakers..." She shrugged.


Rainbow went in the dressing room, and opened the curtain a few minutes later to show off the dress. "OH IT'S EVEN BETTER ON YOU! ESPECIALLY BECAUSE YOUR BOOBS ARE MORE PRONOUNCED THAN THE MANNEQUIN!! YES!" Rarity said with happiness in her eyes. "Damn! It defines your body so fucking well! I'm sure Blaze would wanna take a bite out you in an instant!" Sunset laughed. "I have to say....I'm a huge fan of the damn dress now that it's on my body! I'm becoming a fan of being a sexy diva, and this definitely speaks to me." Rainbow said devisouly.


"It does look great on ya, Rainbow!" Applejack agreed. Time seemed to fly by quickly, because before they knew it, it was time for Rainbow's wedding day at last. Blaze was helping the triplets into their suits and him and David went over his vows again and again. Rarity was styling Rainbow's hair in the room that she was getting ready in with the other girls. "Rarity, are you sure about this hair style? Its like....SUPER not me...." Rainbow asked. Rarity just scoffed. "When it comes to these things, only I know best darling. Blaze is waiting for you at the altar with the audience, and I will not have you looking a terrible mess on your big day!" She exclaimed.


Rainbow just looked at the bouquet of rainbow roses that she was holding. "Are you getting cold feet?" Solar asked. "Hell no. I just hope that after this, Zephyr and Hoops can't bother me about being with them anymore. I also hope that everything goes well. But because this is my life....I highly doubt that." Rainbow sighed. Blaze noticed that his parents and Rainbow's Mom were sitting in their designated seats, and he smiled and waved at them. When the music started, Sunset and Flash had walked down the aisle first, but not before Sunset took a selfie of them, and posted it on her feed, and the Rainboom feed.


Rainbow made sure that her kids were actually ready for this, and double made sure that Louie wouldn't cause any trouble with the ring. "I already said I wouldn't...." Louie said. "Don't think I don't see that mischievous look on your face." Rainbow sighed, standing up straight again.


Everybody Loves Skittles Book V (TASTE THE DAMN RAINBOW)Where stories live. Discover now