472. How's The Demon King?

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"You two sound like rabid hounds coming down those stairs." Cameron laughed. "I didn't know you enjoyed my cooking so much, Knox." Cam said knowingly. Knox froze. "I..I uhh...I don't know what you're talking about. My baking is SO much better...." He trailed. "Mhm...." Cameron said, placing fried meat with a side of soul cream and cheese for Knox, and candied fox with a bloody glaze for himself and Rainbow. Knox just stared the plate and drooled. "I'll allow you to be detached long enough to enjoy that." Cameron's said nicely. "I...thanks....Cam." Knox said, looking away from him as he sat down.


Knox blushed ever so slightly as he picked up the food with his claws and ate it. "So...How's Dusky?" Cameron asked. "Oh, she's great! She really loves playing with her brothers, and she's definitely a mommas girl. But she also has moments where she only wants Blaze." Rainbow said with a laugh. Cameron neatly ate his food as Ella started talking to Rainbow. "You know Dusky is gonna be a handful, right?" Ella laughed. "Trust me, I know. Her brothers seem like stand off-ish around her, and I'm not sure why." Rainbow answered. Rainbow looked over at Knox, who hadn't said a word since they started eating. He was also not making eye contact with anyone.


She tried to read his mind but came to find that she was unable to. It turns out Knox has his own spell to keep people from reading his super private thoughts, and made sure they only saw surface ones. "Knox..." Cameron said. Knox's eyes quickly darted to the side to look at Cameron, but he didn't turn his head. "Yeah?" He replied. "How is Satan doing?" Cameron asked. Knox then turned his head to face Cameron, and raised a brow. "Why ya asking me? Can't you ask him yourself?" Knox responded while taking another bite of food.


"I could, yes. But I'm sure he's busy with ruling Hell at the moment, and I know that since you are fully up here, you can't be one of his right hand demons. I know you spend time with him, so I'd like to know how he's doing, from you." Cameron answered. Knox stayed silent for a moment, took another bite, swallowed it, and then responded. "He's alright. I honestly can never tell what's going on in his head. You'd think he'd have sex on the brain at all times. But he's actually a pretty amazing king. I recently watched him create a new ruler for a Hell dimension he just opened up....and..." Knox trailed.


"Something wrong, Knox?" Knox's face suddenly looked distressed and uncomfortable as his brain ran a million miles a minute. "Who....who is the new Demon King for the new dimension, Knox?" Cameron asked slowly. Knox cleared his throat to sound as normal as possible as he responded. "He named him.....Abaddon." Knox said.


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