462. Fiction? Never Heard of It...

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"I....well.....Dusky and I......are........Vampires." She hesitantly said.  Louie, Travis, and Tyler all had a look of pure terror on their faces, wanting to scream. And they would have screamed, if Rainbow hadn't been glaring at them so harshly.  "LOOK, OKAY? I'm NOT a monster! I mean....I kinda....I don't know. But I'm still the same Rainbow Dash that I was before! I just have fangs and pointy ears now..." She was on the verge of crying, So Blaze decided to hug her.


"Guys, just because she has different magic along with her friendship magic, doesn't mean she doesn't love you, okay? We both love all three of you, and that won't change. She only kept this hidden from you because she knew you guys would fear her." Blaze said reassuringly. "S-so...are you a vampire too, dad?" Travis shakily asked. "No. Just Dash. And.....Dusky....Dusky was born a vampire because she got those genes from Dash. Dusky looks like my mom." Blaze said warmly.


"Wait...who made mom a vampire?!" Louie asked in a panic. "My friend Cameron did......he is 100% a vampire, and he lives in a totally different realm/town. I'm still not exactly sure, buuuut.....yeah." Rainbow replied. Tyler looked off to the side, and just stayed quiet. "Don't you have any concerning questions, Tyler?" Rainbow asked him. "Uh! N-no ma'am...." Tyler said quickly. Rainbow just sighed.


"I know you guys are gonna need time to process this, so just...come to me whenever you're ready....c'mon Blaze. I think there's something we need to talk about. 😉" She whispered in his ear, making him blush. "You guys can go back to bed. If you want, we can talk more about it tomorrow." Rainbow suggested. The triplets nodded, and watched as she teleported herself and Blaze back to her bed, where she kissed him like crazy as tears rolled down her cheeks.


The triplets looked at one another, and just sighed and shrugged. "I get the feeling we won't be able to sleep with all the moaning..." Tyler said, making Louie and Travis laugh so hard they started crying. "I kinda wanna be a vampire...just to see what it's like to have magic!" Travis said. "Well, I don't know. It seems...fiction?" Louie said. Travis and Tyler looked at him like he was stupid. "Uh, HELLO?! OUR MOM CAN GROW PONY EARS, WINGS, AND A PONY TAIL JUST FROM PLAYING A DANG GUITAR! AND YOU REALLY WANNA TALK ABOUT FICTION?!?" Travis fussed.


Louie's eyes widened, bit then he shrugged. "I guess you're right, big bro." Louie said. As they made their way up the stairs, they could already hear Rainbow moaning. Travis nearly vomited at the squeaky moans. Tyler looked at his brothers in front of him, and quietly thought to himself. "Damn...dad must have been really horny..." Louie snickered. Tyler winced as he got a little horny at the sound of his mom's moans. "Well, I don't hear dad moaning, so...he must be pleasing mom for now." Louie cackled.


"How would you know that?" Travis asked him. "Uhhhhhh....." Louie said, before running to his room and closing the door. "Hey! We share that room ya know!!" Travis yelled and fussed, chasing after him. Tyler stayed outside of Rainbow's bedroom door, and put his ear to it to listen in on what was going on. He could mainly hear Rainbow moaning, until she did a specific moan that Tyler found amusing. He then just heard kissing sounds, and decided to go to bed.


"I'm probably gonna have another sibling soon......very....very.....soon....." He said to  himself, opening the bedroom door, and heading to bed.


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