Chapter 5, Alison's Ignorance

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*Even though the title is about Ali, it's still mostly Courtney narrating in this chapter.

Courtney DiLaurentis's Perspective

It was Friday. Finally. The day I'd find out who my real father was. I knew that everybody else just thought it was an ordinary Friday. But not me. I knew Ali was suspicious. She kept asking what was wrong. I kept saying 'Nothing', but Ali's eyes would narrow and she'd repeatedly badger me. She was doing that right now too. We were at the best Rosewood Day lunch table outside, with Spencer, Hanna, Emily, and Aria.

"Courtney, what's wrong? What aren't you telling me?" Ali asked. Emily looked concerned.
"Courtney, are you okay? You seem- off." Emily said questioningly. Spencer, Hanna, and Aria stared at me, also concerned. Ali didn't look it, but I knew that she was just as concerned as our friends. Most likely, she was even more. Ali's eyes narrowed.
"We're not stupid, Court. So tell us now." Ali snapped.
"Look," I said, "I can't tell you right now, but I promise I'll tell you guys tomorrow. By tomorrow, I'll know everything." I said. The girls looked puzzled. Ali looked intrigued. Ali knew everything about me. She had to, she was my twin, but the girls knew everything about me too. I never held back. They had never seen me like this. When the bell rang, we all got up and said 'bye and went to our classes. It was basically an ordinary school day. Jason took Ali and I home and I prepared for my discovery. Instead of wearing something cool, I wore all black clothes and shoes. I slipped out the door after Mom said she had to "run errands" Yeah, right. I slipped out after her, but instead of getting in her car, she walked through the hedge separating Spencer's yard and mine. I snuck through too, which took awhile, because I had to get through without making a sound. When I finally slipped through, I saw that my mother was next to Spencer's house. All of a sudden, the unknown guy I now knew was my father, leaned my mother against Spencer's house and started making out with her. It was like he owned the place. But then the blinking streetlight came on and I caught a glimpse of his face. I gasped. I knew this man. I knew this man well. The man my mother was kissing was Spencer's father. But if Spencer's father was my father too, then that meant that Ali and I were best friends with our other sister. And that Melissa Hastings was our sister too. I could hardly believe it. I wondered. Could I tell the others? Could I tell Ali?
"Shocking, isn't it?" A voice said smugly. I gasped again.
"A?" I asked.
"Yours truly!" A mocked. "Well, say goodbye!" All of a sudden, I was shot in the arm. I fell down and, against my will, passed out.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Alison DiLaurentis's Perspective

I'm kind of mad at Courtney. What isn't she telling me? Oh well. She said she'd tell tomorrow, and she hasn't broken her word yet. Ping! My phone went off, telling me I had a new text. I looked at it. It was from Unknown. My heart sank. I opened it.

                      Didn't I say you were going down? Courtney's in danger, and it's all your fault. 



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