Chapter 12, The Epiphany of Alison

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*So, A was revealed! I know it was probably expected, but the real story is getting everything straightened out- or will it not be straightened out? Oh, and by the way- I use the characters' original book descriptions. I use the casting for the people who are in my imagination. Although I did it with the other characters too, that is not their original descriptions! I just felt like adding their names as well! Don't ask me why- I don't know. Okay, on to the story! Thanks!

Alison DiLaurentis's Perspective

What was she doing here? It was official- those morons at the front desk would let anybody in. A while ago, I would have described her as my favorite girl to tease- Mona Vanderwaal, her normal suck-up act gone, and a gloating smile on her face.

"Hello, Alison." she said, sneering. I gasped.

"How do you-" I started.

"Know who you are? Let's see. Because I have the real Courtney, locked up and under constant vigilance."

"You're A." I snarled. "Bitch, I will-"

"What? Kill me? Your twin will be forever missing if you do. I've told her I'll release her when you both turn eighteen. I just wanted to see you suffering in here. I wanted you to know that I was the one who put you in here. That in the long run, you did this to yourself. You never would have stopped the bullying and the pain, Alison. So I did. Courtney was the only one with the power to send you away, although unintentionally. So I took your sister when she sneaked out to follow your mother." I held up my hand.

"I'll get back to the bullying thing, but why would Courtney follow my mom?" I asked. Mona or A, or whoever the hell she was wanted to show off, I knew that much, if I could trick her into bragging by not knowing things, I might get something I could use. Mona smirked, looking at me as if I was a guinea pig and she was a scientist.

"While I was stalking you two, I discovered that Courtney had realized that your mom was having an affair. Oh, and get this: You two are the product of the original affair. So I followed your mother to see who your father was. It seems that Courtney had the same idea. I talked to her that night, after she realized who had fathered both of you. I knew she was going to go straight to you, and I realized that taking her would set the plan into motion. So, I took her. Oh, and did you know that your parents are telling the public that you ran away? Of course, I knew the truth. And those girls." Mona's face hardens.

"They'll do anything for you. They've gotten closer to finding Courtney, closer than I'm comfortable with. If they don't get out of my way, then I'll destroy them too. " I felt my face drain.

"You're willing to kill people who never did anything to you? You want revenge on me so badly, you'll kill for it? I'm sorry, okay? I know it won't help, but I'm sorry I bullied you in the past. I've had a lot of time to think. But don't do anything to the others. And besides, you say that you're doing this because I bullied you. Who's the bully now?" Mona's eyes widened.

"Alison DiLaurentis is- apologizing?" Mona stared at me. I looked at her.

"Yes. Now can you please let me go?" I asked. Mona shook her head.

"No. The original time sentence still stands. But I won't murder anyone. Unless someone tells. Then you'll be dead, understand?"

"But what if I get taken out early?" I asked. Mona laughed.

"They'll forget all about you, I know it." I leaned backwards in defeat.

"Bye, Alison!" Mona said and walked away, probably leaving. Why couldn't I leave this place? I even apologized, and I had really wanted to strangle her instead. Whoa, Ali. Don't let the crazy out. Control it. I had to look like typical fabulous me. I needed to look perfect. Because perfection meant that I could hide any flaws. I wanted to leave this hell behind. I went back to my room and lay down on the bed.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time passed. I wasn't even sure how long it had been. It was probably almost eleven months, but it felt like decades. My friends still visited, but only once a week. Courtney was still missing and it tortured me to beg them to stop looking. But they had to be stopped, or Mona would do something bad to them. One day, I was in my room, lying on the bed and wondering why this felt like my eternal punishment when the door opened and the doctor called my name.

"Courtney DiLaurentis? Your family is here. They want to take you home." I shot up.

"Home?" I asked numbly. The doctor sighed impatiently.

"That's what I said. Are you deaf?" I glared at the bitchy doctor. Forget to take your pill? I grabbed my stuff, hardly daring to believe it. Was I really getting out? I grabbed my suitcase and wheeled it into the lobby. I hugged Iris, Ariella, and Kristina goodbye. Then I saw my family. Jason, my mother, and my kinda-sorta dad. Whoever my real dad was, I vowed to find him. Maybe kick his ass. Didn't he give a crap about us? I was also going to find Mona's lair. Because wherever Mona was, Courtney was too. I would find my twin and straighten out this mess. Put Mona inside this hell and see what she thought of it. That gave me the ability to smile at my family instead of strangling them. They smiled back and my mother hugged me as if I were a fragile doll. Then Jason cleared his throat.

"Courtney, can you please show me the bathroom?" I nodded. Okay. When we reached the bathroom, Jason turned to me.

"Alison, are you okay?" he asked. I gasped.

"How did you know?" I whispered.

"I could always tell. But Mom and Dad wouldn't let up on the idea of bringing you home until now. Do you know where Courtney is?"

"No." My voice cracked with sadness. I was being let out, and Courtney was still shut up in the lair, as me. Jason said,

"Ali, we're going to have to find her. We're the only ones who know about the accidental switch." I shook my head.

"No. My friends know too. Mom and Dad forgot to take my cell phone. I called them before I was dragged out of here. I know you said that I was Ali," I added.


"You're welcome. We should get out of here. Mom and Dad'll be waiting for us. Later, we'll search for Courtney. Okay?" Jason asked. I nodded.

As we walked into the lobby to meet them, and although I knew it would never work, I tried to telepathically send Courtney a message. I have been released! I will find you! Don't worry, I am coming for you! You tell that bitch to watch out! We will be free!

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