Chapter 3, Alison's New And Happy Little Stalker (Ali's Second Message)

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*I don't own any of the characters, just the plot. Oh, and the flashback was from when the girls were in sixth grade. Now it's years later, the girls are in high school. If you're uncomfortable with swearing, just ignore it because it's in there. 

Alison DiLaurentis's Perspective

"Ali. Ali! ALI! Wake Up!" Courtney yelled. In my ear.

"What. What? WHAT?" I shouted back. I am so not a morning person.

"Ali, today's mall day! Hello!!" Courtney said, super excitedly.

I was pretty excited. Courtney was totally right. Then I got a text from UNKNOWN.

It read,

"I don't fear you, but others do. I see your Achilles heel. Watch your back. There's going to be a kidnapping, bitch. And you'll be the suspect.



What the hell? Kidnapping? Achi-what? This was Spencer's thing. I pulled out my phone, ignored Courtney's concerned look, and texted her. I immediately heard the little jingle that my phone played.

"It's like a weak spot. Why do you want to know?" Spencer answered.

"English question," I lied.

Courtney peeked at my phone.

"That's a lie," she said.

"What?" I asked, pretending to be insulted.

"Since when have you cared about English?" Courtney asked, her eyes narrowed.

"Since, I've been getting these texts," I said, then clapping my hand over my mouth. I don't know why, but I couldn't lie to my twin. And she couldn't lie to me. Courtney cocked her head sideways. 

"Texts?" Courtney scrunched up her face.

"Ha! More like threats. From 'A'. Whoever it is, they really hate me. Look at this." I said, showing her the text. Courtney's eyes grew darker and more narrow by each word. 

"Who-" Courtney began, but she got a text. From Unknown. 

"Oh, no." I said.

Courtney opened it.

"And you'll be the victim."


"What?" I asked.

Courtney's eyes were round.

"This person's not screwing around," she said.

"Code F," I said. 

Courtney paled. 

"No, Ali. Not Code F." she begged.

''It's the only way," I said.

Then I got another text from Unknown. I winced while I opened it.

        "You can't fight me, bitches. You couldn't even fight me when I'm right in front of you. You like to play, but I ALWAYS win."


"What do we do?" asked Courtney.

"What else?" I replied. "We go buy a ton of clothes and makeup today!"

As if it would be silly to do anything else.

Courtney sighed.

"Oh, Alison."

I pretended not to hear her. She couldn't know I was clueless. She couldn't know I was scared.  But I think she could tell anyway.

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