Chapter 6, Courtney's Disappearance

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*Although the chapter title is about Courtney, Ali is the one who is narrating. Oh, and remember, these are Sara Shepard's characters, but this is my plot and story. It's going to be inaccurate by the books. I am not writing about the TV series. Oh, by the way, in this chapter, there are rude things about goth people. I DON'T THINK what Ali says is true!! I'm making it up! Thank you!*

Alison DiLaurentis's Perspective

In danger? What had A done? What had my sister done? What should I do? I slumped down on my bed. I jumped up and hit the wall.

"You'll pay!" I screamed, knowing how deranged I sounded, but not caring because Jason was potentially the only one home. And Jason was a loser, so who cared? Then again, I did. Appearance was everything. Being flawless. That was immortality. Doing what I want, when I want. That was being loved and admired. But then my thoughts turned to my twin. Courtney. Goodness knows, we had our issues. We fought all of the time back in second and third grade. Did horrible stuff to each other. Well, to be more accurate, I did horrible stuff to her. Maybe I was crazy. Maybe I still am, but it's hidden. But hurting Courtney is a thing of the past. Mom and Dad thought that they wised up and sent Courtney to the Radley for almost a year. I should have been the one to go instead. When we were about to move, I told Mom and Dad to take Courtney out and that we could just go see a therapist. They did. It took a while to mend our relationship, but we did. We became fabulous as a team, better than we could have been by ourselves. We rebuilt our trust in each other, which I'm really happy about. If you'd have asked me in third grade if I wanted Courtney gone, I wouldn't have hesitated with my yes. But six years later, right now, I wouldn't have hesitated with my no. I think Courtney would probably like that. All she ever wanted was for me to love her again. At least if she dies, she knows I love her now. And isn't having my love the most important thing? All of a sudden, there was a bang! I jolted upright. What the hell was that? I shot downstairs like a rocket.

"Who's there? Answer me!"I called out.

I heard my mother's voice.

"It's just me, Alison. I fell in the garage. I'll be in in a minute. By the way, have you seen your sister? She wanted to ask me something."

"Uh, no, I was about to ask you where Courtney was. Didn't she go with you on your errand? I saw her run after you." I said. My mother inhaled sharply.

"What? Alison, did you tell your sister to follow me? That's-" my mother was rambling.

I scoffed at the thought.

"Why would I ask her to follow you? Why do you even care?" Then a thought came to my head. The last time I saw Courtney.

Ali's Flashback

"I'm leaving, girls! I'm going to run an errand!" Mom calls. Courtney's in the kitchen while I watch TV in the den. Courtney's head shoots up. I notice her outfit. She's dressed head to toe in black. what was up with that? Was she going to be goth?! Ew! Please don't be goth! Those people are such losers! As soon as the door slams, Courtney jumps up.

"What are you wearing?!" I demand. Courtney looks down.

"Oh, that." she says. "It's just camouflage. I don't want Mom to see me. I need to go find her, Ali. I'll see you later. Bye!" And she's gone in a flash. I sighed. As long as she's not going goth on me, I'll be fine. And I turn back to the TV.

Flashback over

Was Courtney following Mom? My eyes widened. Courtney barely did anything bad in her life. I think my respect for her just increased. But why the hell would she be in danger? It wasn't like A would actually have the guts to do something other than threaten us behind a phone. Would they? Could they? If Courtney didn't come back in a few minutes, I was going to find her. I'm restless. I'm jiggling my feet as if I have bugs on my D&G jeans. I'm dressed casually. I'm wearing a pair of Courtney's Marc Jacobs wedges and a green Gucci shirt. Then my mental timer dinged. I slipped off the couch and softly opened the door. I heard someone step on a stick. It cracked. I almost called out to the person, but then I hear them speak. It's a low gruff voice.

" You shouldn't have shot her. She's nice. You do realize that you're trying to hurt Alison, right?" Shot her? Shot.. her.. No. No, they couldn't have meant....

Another voice chimes in, but it has the same pitch.

"She's not that nice. She didn't stop Alison from doing what she did, did she? And you do realize that you work for me, don't you? Don't forget, I'm in charge. Alison has no idea who she's dealing with. I'm going to send her a new text. She is going to be in terrible pain. I know exactly what what her parents will do. And I can't wait! I may even go visit her. Alison will be stuck there until she's almost twenty! And precious little Courtney... I may even keep her alive. After all, she was nice enough. But when Alison's parents realize what has happened, I bet the plan will be in motion! Let's go now. We've left a note for Alison out here. I bet she'll be out here in a few minutes. The plan won't work if she sees who we are ." I run towards the noise but when I peer around the bush, there's no one there. but there is a note. I unfold it and read:

Good girls don't get buried...

But whoever said you and your sister were? Say your goodbyes!



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