Chapter 13, Hope Is Courtney's Middle Name

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*Did you guys know that Courtney's middle name is Elizabeth? It was after her aunt. I just found this out. *

Courtney DiLaurentis's Perspective

It has been many months, and I thought that I would wake up depressed, but instead, I woke up with an odd happy feeling that I haven't felt in a long time. I am still being treated well, (except for the whole kidnapped and not allowed to leave part), but I miss my freedom. B trusts me enough to watch the News with him now. I don't know why it started so late, but it didn't exactly have anything to do with me or my life, or even Rosewood. So B had turned it on tonight, and our eyes were glued to the TV. All of a sudden, a new story is on, A DiLaurentis Twin Found, One Still Missing, the reporter says. My head snaps up. B scrambles for the remote, but can't find it. My twin sister comes onto the screen, saying she's been "Looking for Alison all this time". This is such a bad lie, but Alison tells it with ease. She's being forced to impersonate me and lie about how my parents locked "Courtney" up. The reporter holds up a picture of Alison and I (I guess that part doesn't matter, we're identical), and says that if anyone sees Alison Lauren DiLaurentis, we're to call some hotline. If only I had access to a phone. I would totally tell them that Alison's on TV. They've all screwed it up, as usual. But I was bursting with hope. If people started looking for me, then there was a chance that at least one idiot might stumble across this place. Then the reporter says to Alison,

"If your sister was watching, what do you think she'd be thinking right now?"

"Good question. Do you mean after she thinks that your socks with sandals are hideous?" Ali asked innocently, pausing to allow backstage snickers. I burst out laughing. The reporter turned beet red and started stuttering incoherently, but Ali was on a roll.

"And dressing completely in your skin tone except for your purple socks is such a major faux pas. Did your mother finally stop dressing you? Because you need to let her dress you again. But after she thought of all that, she'd be missing me, obviously." I was laughing and crying at the same time. I missed hearing her voice. Oh, Ali, I miss you so much it hurts.

"I don't know what's happened to her, but I know she's coming home. Well, I'm going now. You should go get a new wardrobe, and consider it a blessing that someone's finally told you how ugly your current one is. Bye!" Ali sang, blowing a kiss, and waltzing off camera. It turned straight to commercial. Finally, it occurred to me to look for B. B was talking on his cell phone. He looked panicked. Oh, no. Would they try to take Ali again? B was waving his hands energetically.

"No. We simply can't risk it. Besides, where would we even move her? There really isn't another place, and are you really going to take her to your house? Well, of course she'd freak out. So we need to stay put and hope no one finds this place. It's harder to find if you don't know it's there. Stop worrying, it'll be fine. But we might have to keep her forever now. Alison knows who you are, you were wrong about her parents never taking her home. Not killing Courtney is the only way you won't have to go to go to jail forever. Yes, you could plead insanity. But no, it's a bad idea. As soon as those twins are together they're trouble. I know exactly how you deal with trouble. They will tell anyone and everyone they can if they manage to find each other. The only reason no one still knows is because if Alison says who she really is, she'll be reevaluated by the Preserve. The only one who can prove it is Courtney herself. We need to keep her safe and hidden. If anyone sees "Alison" they'll have a field day! She's been all over the news! Pretty rich girl goes missing in a super safe town. So no, I don't want to move her. If you do, you're on your own." B hangs up.

"You're just abandoning me?" I hiss. "If you think A's going to feed me or anything, you're delusional!"

"Don't talk to me that way, Courtney! Enough!" B holds up a hand and slaps my face. I flinch and freak out.

"What the hell is wrong with you? That hurt! I didn't even do anything!" I scream. B has his hands over (what I assume are) his ears. I'm done. I have played every game. I feel as if I have lost everything I care about. I haven't even seen the sky in months. And the truth has stayed hidden because I am stuck here. Then I realize that I am screaming and I am making B crazy. He's screaming at me to stop screaming. It would have been comical, but then again it was serious. Maybe B would shoot me now. I had so many things to live for, but I couldn't live in here. So I did the only logical thing- I ran for the entrance.


*Sorry it's short. But I'm starting right away on the next chapter. Thanks, guys! :)

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