Chapter 2 The Jenna Thing

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Sara Shepard owns all the characters not me! I only own the plot! One line is quoted from Flawless (Book Two).

Courtney DiLaurentis's Point of View

I didn't mean to do it. It was an accident. The Jenna Thing could have destroyed my life. Ali and Spencer's too. They saw it. Not everything though. I was the one who first saw what he did. I don't think Ali and Spencer would have even believed me unless they saw it. They saw the second part. I couldn't look. But I couldn't not look. All I knew was that it was bad. Very bad. I was so surprised to see it I just accidently aimed the firework at them. It exploded in a whirl of colors. And then Jenna was blind. I was actually friends with her. Ali didn't know it, but we'd been friends for a long time. I offered to help her get rid of Toby. But I hadn't anticipated Toby- well, abusing her at that moment. Jenna pretended not to remember what happened so that Ali wouldn't get angry with me. But I secretly visited her, tried to help her.

"I don't blame you Courtney. Not one bit." Jenna told me, as if blinding her was a stupid reason to feel guilty. I still visit her, while Ali is preoccupied. I try not to think about it, but I know Ali and Spencer do.


"Get away from us you perv!" Spencer (the only one fully dressed) shrieked.

Toby smirked and ran away from the window.

While Ali was busy lecturing everyone about how we needed revenge, I thought about MY plan for revenge against Toby-Mine and Jenna's. Somehow, when the time was right, launch a firework. His parents will send him away. Then Jenna could be free. And I could tell Ali about our friendship, and Jenna could be in our group. Needless to say, tonight was the perfect oppurtunity to get rid of Toby. He would be gone- tonight. So I did what any good twin sister would do- I backed her up.

"Ali's right!"I declared.

"We need to get revenge on him. We should prank him. And I have the perfect prank." I finished smoothly.

The girls looked shocked. Normally, I tried to convince them NOT to prank people. Ali smirked.

"What do you have in mind, sis?" she asked, grinning.


Five minutes later, the five of us were running to the other side of the street. I set to work, while discreetly texting Jenna. 'The plan is on. He'll be gone before the sun rises tomorrow!' She texted back, 'Perfect. Oh, no. I gotta go. Good luck!' I turned off my phone.

"Ok, Ali. You and Spencer stay here. Em, Han, and Aria, you guys go hide." They looked dubious but I gave them a winning smile. They gave in immediately. They ran off back to the house.

"Ali and Spencer, you guys should go hide in that bush over there, because he might see three of us." I said convincingly. Ali shrugged, but grabbed Spencer's arm. ("I can walk, Ali, Jeez!")

I lit the match. But then, I saw it. Toby in action. Then Ali walked up. She gaped.

"What the hell? " Ali whisper-screamed.

Then she looked at me in alarm.

"Courtney! The firework!"


I grabbed my sister's hand. Then I noticed Spencer. She had a disturbed look on her face.

"Guys! We have to go. NOW." I said.

Ali and Spencer followed me and we ran quickly. Because we all played field hockey, we were all great athletes. (But I was the best, no questions asked. I played defense, Spencer played middy, and Ali was a forward. No ball EVER got past me. Why do you think Rosewood is the best? Of course, Spencer played for the sixth grade team. Ali played on the freshman team, and I on JV. But because working hard was needed, we could all run like the wind.) Anyway, we finally got back and found the other girls waiting for us.

"How'd it go?" Hanna asked, grinning. They didn't know, they didn't see it. Before, Spencer and Ali could open their mouths, I said,

"Jenna Cavanaugh was hurt." The girls looked shocked. When they started crying, I pulled Ali and Spencer into the bathroom.

"We can't tell ANYONE." I said. Ali nodded. She understood my logic. But Spencer freaked.

"No! Courtney, Alison, I am going to tell Jenna's mother. That way, we won't feel guilty."

"Enough, Spencer. You don't tell anyone. You don't speak, or even think of this. Courtney and I will take care of this. Keep your mouth shut. Or we'll get you. Do you know what I can do? You don't want to know." Ali snapped. Spencer shut up. I flashed Ali a grateful look. Aria however, somehow came in without us noticing.

"Guys? What's going on?" she asked.

"Nothing!" we all said.

Her face fell. felt a little bad, but you know, we had to say it.

One week later, Ali and I gave each girl a string bracelet, swore we'd be forever best friends, and warned them to never, ever tell ANYONE about the Jenna Thing.

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