Chapter 10, Injustly Imprisoned

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A/N Oh my goodness!!! 1k!!!! Thanks soo much!! This chapter is going to have more characters that are from my imagination. They belong to me, along with the plot. Everyone(thing) else belongs to Sara Shepard. Thanks guys!


Alison DiLaurentis's Perspective

I have been in the Preserve for what feels like forever, even though it's probably only been a few hours. My parents signed me in, said goodbye, and practically flew out of the door. Luckily some of the girls I've met here aren't total losers. My roommate, Iris, was pretty cool. I've started a new clique with Iris and two other new girls, Ariella and Kristina. Kristina's here because her parents found out about her eating disorder. Ariella's parents discovered her pot addiction. I don't hold that against them. I'm supposedly in here for being a murderer. But I'm not a killer, and I know it. I still have to meet the girls though. Someone needs to find Courtney, and fast, or I'd really go insane. I needed a way out- and soon. I'm pretty sure this is a punishment for everything I've done. And payback for what I did as a small child, sending Courtney away to a place like this. My brain was whispering about how I'm finally getting what came to me, meeting my doom. No. I can't think like that. I still have two cliques bowing to me. I still have everything I need to survive. And even though the moronic nurses call me Courtney, I know that I'm Ali, and that the real Courtney is out there, somewhere. I think that A took her somewhere. Suddenly, a nurse calls into the room.

"Courtney DiLaurentis? You have visitors." I gritted my teeth. I have to answer to my sister's name now. It sucks. I want to scream my real name and throw a fit, but they'd just sedate me and tie me up. I had learned that the hard way. I got up and left to head out front. I looked up and smiled with relief when I saw Spencer, Hanna, Emily, and Aria standing there, looking at the place in horror.

"You guys!" I called to them weakly. They turned around and stared at me. I walked up to them.

"Ali, what's going on?" Spencer asked bluntly. Hanna tilted her head.

"Yeah, why did we have to ask to see Courtney?" Hanna asked. I turned to look at Emily.

"Why didn't you explain? And did you tell anyone? Any of you?" I asked frantically. Emily raised a hand to placate me.

"I could barely understand what you said, Ali. You were crying and breathing very loudly. I heard, Go to the Preserve tomorrow, visit me, Don't tell anyone, and Courtney and I accidentally switched places. So, why don't you explain it to us now?" Emily finished kindly.

"Wait, why are you even here?" Aria asked.

"I'll explain but not here. Iris!" I called. Iris walked over to me, Ariella and Kristina in tow.

"Yeah?" Iris asked

"Guard the door." I said. They all nodded. I took the girls into an empty therapy room. We all sat down in chairs. I sighed.

"I'll start at the beginning. All the way back, when Courtney and I lived in Stamford, Connecticut. So, Courtney and I were best friends like the way we are now, until about second grade. Courtney was really popular and I was jealous. So I pushed her to her breaking point. I forced her to be me and go after me. "

" Be you and go after you?" Hanna asked.

" Pretend to be Ali. Introduce herself as me. And by going after, I mean try to kill me." I nodded. "Courtney wasn't crazy at all. I lied my way through the psychiatric evaluations. Courtney was so afraid of me and what I did to her, she outright failed. The doctors diagnosed her with 'Paranoid Schizophrenia'. I told my parents to send her to the Radley, a mental hospital. She went away. After a while, I don't really know why, I started to want her back. Before we officially moved to Rosewood, Courtney got out of the Radley. Our parents sent us to therapists, and we were both medicated. Life got better and we got close again. At least, until a month ago. We started getting notes from someone called A. They were threatening, and really scary. A few nights ago, Courtney was acting very strange. She was dressed completely in black, and she was checking the time constantly, and watching my mom like a hawk. As soon as my mom left, Courtney ran after her. She never came back. I think that A took her." My voice cracked. The girls were staring at me, their eyes wide.

"You never told us that!" Spencer said angrily. "You two never told us anything!" I looked at Spencer, irritated.

"Spencer. I know we haven't told you guys about these things, but that was for your own good. And I'm not done." I said, irritably.

"Anyway, Mom and Dad thought that Courtney was back to old habits. So they didn't believe me when I said I was Ali. So they sent me here. Ok. Now I'm done."

The girls were still staring at me.

"That's-" Aria started.

"Insane," Emily said, nodding.

"Look," I said. "I know you guys have a right not to listen to me, or tell the world, or not help me, but I really need your help."

"To do what?" Hanna asked. Spencer answered before I could.

"To keep her secret, find out where A has Courtney, and get her out."

"We'll do it." Emily said immediately. The others nodded and murmured their assent.

"And we'll come visit you every week." Aria added. I started to cry.

"Thanks, guys. For everything."I said, sobbing.

"It'll be okay, Ali. We're going to find Courtney and get you out of here. The kids at school assumed that both of you ran away or something. Your parents are telling people that." Hanna said. I sucked my stomach in angrily.That's the DiLaurentises for you: they acted like they were perfect, but they were dysfunctional if anything went wrong.

"Sounds like exactly what they'd do." I said bitterly. Emily patted my shoulder.

"We're going to start now. It might take a while, but we'll find out who A is, and where they are hiding Courtney." Spencer said determinedly.

"Thank you, guys. You're really the best friends anyone could ask for. Courtney really knows how to pick good friends." I added. "Good luck! Bye!" The girls left. I sat in the room bit longer. I shut my eyes tight, but it was no use. The tears welled and I was crying, sobbing for my sister to come back and help me. I wonder if she's thinking of me. But I have to be in control. Can't let the craziness out. Or I'll be back at square one. And I can't do that again. Because in this therapy room, I finally realized that I was sorry. Sorry for being mean, sorry for doing everything I did. If I ever make it out of here, I'll apologize to everyone I was ever mean to. But then I realized that I was mean to everyone. Was I that terrible of a person? Then I began to shake. Because I knew then, that I was.

Maybe I couldn't apologize to everyone in the world, but I could definitely start with my family. And my friends. And some of my classmates. I just need to get out of here. My fate was appearing to rest on the shoulders of four high schooled girls. I just hoped that they were up to the task. I walked out of the room and passed by the lobby.

"Hey, bitch."

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

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