Chapter 7, Alison's Worst Enemy

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Courtney DiLaurentis's Perspective

I felt so terrible. Like I've just been under anesthesia. I feel sick. No, not exactly sick. Like bad feeling sick. I tried to open my eyes. I couldn't. Weird. I can't wait until I go and tell Ali about- what? It was important. I tried to open my eyes again. I couldn't. I had to wake up so that I could tell her that- I found out who our real father was! I know who it was! I tried to open my eyes again. Nothing. But, wait. Why did I fall asleep right after I found out? That makes no sense. Unless... Wait. I remember now....


"Shocking, isn't it?"


"Yours truly! Well, say goodbye!"

Flashback Over

I gasped and tried a last ditch effort to open my eyes. This time, they flew open. I sat up sharply and gazed at my surroundings. I appeared to be in a- cave? Oh! The legend had it that the Rosewood Stalker (Who could also be A) had a lair somewhere in Floating Man Quarry. There were plenty of caves and crevices around there, and also a lake. Spencer had always pushed for us to go there, but Ali had put her foot down. I scanned the surroundings. Computers, cameras, video monitors, two twin beds, a desk, chairs, a coffee table, a regular table and three chairs, a flat screen TV, and a sofa that I was currently laying on. I looked and saw that my hands were tied, along with my feet. If I was going to escape, I'd have to bunny hop. Oh, joy.

"You're awake now." A deep voice said from behind the swivel chair.

"Duh. How did you possibly guess?" I said sarcastically.

"Don't. Or I won't give you this." And the person stood up for the first time. They wore a black hoodie, black pants, a black ski mask, black gloves, and black sneakers. I was about to ask if they were goth, but then I realized that I looked exactly the same, minus the ski mask and gloves. Then I saw and smelled what they were holding.

Sushi. From my favorite sushi place. My mouth watered and I shot the mystery person a winning smile.

"Can I have it? Pleease?" I asked. The person grunted.

"Oh, fine. Don't see what the harm is. But before I untie you, there's a few things you need to know. One, don't try to escape. If you do, I'll be forced to kill you. I really don't want to, but the boss is, uh, kind of crazy and may kill me. So I can't risk you escaping. Two, I will treat you well, but only if you behave. You'll be allowed to read books that I will buy for you, watch fictional television, as you're not allowed to watch the news, eat what I buy for you, but I'll let you request something, drink water, but once again, you can request something different if you want. Your requests will not always be carried out, but they'll always be considered. And finally, three, you must always be on your best behavior when the boss comes, because she will kill you without thinking about it."

"She. A's a girl? Then who are you?" I asked.

"Fine. Yes, A is female, but she can never find out that you know that. Courtney, I can't tell you who I am, but I don't think what A is doing to you is right. But I was hired by her to be her helper. She had the money that I needed in order to survive. So I'll be your babysitter for the next few years or so. So you can call me B, I guess," B said.

"What did I ever do to A?" I wailed. "What did I do to deserve this?"

B turned his head, agitated.

"I'm not supposed to be telling you anything!" he hissed. (I decided that B was a guy.)

"All I know is what A told me. She said that taking you was the first step on her plan of revenge on Alison, your sister. Your sister bullied her or something."

"Ali bullied a lot of people." I said, nodding. B nodded as well.

"I was rather surprised when A said that she didn't want to just kill Alison. But A said she had a better plan in mind. Something that would torture Alison to the point of death." B concluded. "But as long as you follow the rules I lay down for you, you'll be happy enough. Do you agree to my rules?"

"Yes, I agree to them." I said, nodding again. B untied my hands and gave me my sushi and and a glass of water to go with it.

"Thanks, B," I tell him.

"No problem." B says. "Oh, by the way, at night, you can sleep on this twin bed. I'll even get you new clothes for everything. And once every two days, I'll let you take a shower." He's pointing at the twin bed that is behind the table to show me my new bed. I thank him again. I may not be Ali, but I know that one day, I'll be able to wrap B around my finger. I think that I'm pretty lucky that I'm getting so many luxuries. Of course I worry for my sister, but worrying won't help her. I just hope that Ali has the ability to stay calm and not panic.

Don't worry, Ali. I'm coming home for you, I swear.

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