Chapter 18, Right Versus Wrong

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Author's Note- I'm so sorry I took so long to update!!

Alison DiLaurentis's Perspective

When I think about it, it's a pretty good idea. We'll get everything. Yes, Spencer's world will spin right off of its axis, but I feel no guilt. A proper family is what I want. My mother was supposed to pay for every mistake she'd made. Instead, she was about to have everything she could ever want. She didn't deserve to have that, but if I destroyed it, my life would be destroyed too. Courtney, I can tell, is desperate for happiness. That crazy bitch took away a year of her life. So, by doing this, she can get her happiness. So doing the wrong thing is what I have to do. All of a sudden, I hear Jason and Courtney, talking. Loudly. About what happened outside. Good thing Mom went outside. And our "father" went out drinking. I stalk into Jason's room.

"You two are lucky no one's home!" I shout. And then I see them. Jason's arms are wrapped around Courtney. She's crying hysterically. What's wrong with her? Then I knew.

"You got a guilty conscience, didn't you?" She nods. A bit of anger sparks in me. Can't she see I'm doing this for her? And okay, I'm doing it for me too, but that's what has to be done! We can get everything, and Courtney's backing away from it like a shy puppy. Where had my twin gone? 

"Damn it, Courtney, can't you see we'll get everything? We have to do this!" Jason opens his mouth but I glare at him. "C'mon, Court, it'll be us, and Spence and Mom and Dad. Everything we've always wanted." 

"I can't." Courtney insisted. "It's wrong. How can I look our sisters in the eye and take their lives away from them?" I rolled my eyes. 

"Then don't. Just keep your mouth shut. I'm fine with lying. It'll be ok." I said.

"You're going to ruin lives, Alison?" Jason snarled. I gave him a cold look.

"Please. No one will be poor, Jason. Stop overreacting." I said, irritated. Instead of making him calm down, he just got more fired up.

      "That's not what this is about!" Jason yelled, and stalked away. I scoffed. Whatever. Screw him. I was determined to get my way. Courtney went into her room.  I went into mine.  I grabbed my diary and started writing.  

When I finished writing about Courtney's guilty conscience, I called Hanna and we went shopping.  I was determined not to think of my family. We walked into Sephora when Hanna finally asked about what was happening with my family.  

      "Hey, Ali?" Hanna asked, somewhat timidly. I turned from the new eye shadow I was peering at.

      "What's up?" I asked. Hanna pursed her lips. 

"Is everything ok at your house? It's ok if you don't want to tell me." Hanna said, sounding a bit embarrassed. I straightened and fidgeted uncomfortably. Typically I don't talk about my sucky home life. Because Alison DiLaurentis only radiates perfection.  But I wasn't really feeling perfect today. 

              "I think my parents are splitting up. But you can't tell anyone, Hanna. I'm trusting you." I said. Hanna winced. Divorce was something she understood. Her own parents had gotten divorced. Her father was still in Annapolis with Isabel, the plain new wife, and Kate, the pretty stepdaughter. It was bizarre that if my mother married my father, this time, my mom would be Spencer's stepmother. She'd be my half sister, but she would be a stepdaughter too. Things would certainly be different for her. But I wasn't about to tell Hanna that. 

             "I'm really sorry, Ali. If you ever need anything, I'm always here."  Hanna said sympathetically.  

I knew. That's one of the reasons I chose her. She may have been popularity obsessed, but she was a good friend.  And she related so well with this subject.

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