Chapter 16, Sisters United

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Alison DiLaurentis's Perspective

Those girls didn't give up easily. It really brought me back to that day they tried to steal my time capsule flag. That day changed our lives forever. The girls gawked at the two of us.
"Courtney! You're okay!" Emily shrieked happily. Courtney grinned and hugged Emily and the others. But then they frowned.
"Why didn't you tell us she was back? That Mona was the one behind her disappearance? We searched forever for Courtney! We deserved to know that she was home." Spencer said. Courtney looked at me.
You didn't tell them this morning? Her eyes said. But I was annoyed. Courtney was still recovering from spending almost a year of her life in a cave. She needed space! 
"Spencer, Courtney spent a year in a freaking cave! She's recovering! I didn't know whether she was ready to see people yet! And besides, Spencer, that's no way to talk to your sisters!" Courtney gasped.
"Alison! You weren't supposed to tell them yet!" Courtney hissed. Spencer looked at us, confused.

"Ali, we're not even related. What on earth are you talking about?"

"We're actually half-sisters, Spencer. Your dad is our biological father. I know it's hard to believe-" I said, but Hanna interrupted.

"How do you know?"

"I saw them together." Courtney said quietly. "And I overheard their conversation.  Ali's right, it may be hard to believe, but it's the truth. It was one of the reasons I was taken. Mona thought it was the perfect thing to torture the two of us with. I'm so sorry." And Courtney burst into tears. We all looked at each other, stunned.  Courtney never cried. Was this a result of everything that had happened? We vowed when we were younger to never, ever cry.  Emily immediately hugged her, trying to comfort her. Aria and Hanna were observing everyone with their mouths open. Spencer had sat down. Her face had a vacant expression.  Then, Spencer got up. She hugged Courtney. And to my shock, she hugged me too. Spencer hugged the two of us for a long time. Then she let go.  

     "You guys. It'll be okay. " At this, I surprised myself. I  started to cry too. 

"You don't understand." I choked out. "Nothing will ever be okay." And then I took deep breaths, trying to calm myself down.  Courtney was doing the same thing.  Spencer looked at us. She took a deep breath as well. 

"I'm going to get Melissa. She'll want to hear this." Spencer turned to Emily, Hanna, and Aria as if suddenly realizing the fact that they were here. 

"You guys-"

"We understand completely." Aria said.  "Come on, guys. Let's give them some space."

"Wait, what?" Hanna said, realizing  that Aria was saying that they would leave. 

                          "Come on, guys!" Emily said, grabbing Hanna's hand along with Aria, and they hauled Hanna off.

Spencer disappeared into the hedge that separated our houses and families.  In this time, Courtney and I calmed ourselves down. Courtney looked at me and gave me a watery smile. 

          "Guess we broke that promise, huh?" Courtney said, laughing a little. I smiled sadly.

"It was a stupid promise anyway. We didn't really know what the hell we were talking about. Anyway, I guess it's good to cry. That's what the shrink says." I snorted with laughter.  All of a sudden, the hedge rustled. Spencer came, dragging an irritated Melissa along. 

"What, Spencer? What is so effing important that you had to drag me away from studying?" Melissa asked grumpily. 

"Oh nothing much, Melissa! Just that-" Before I could finish, Spencer finished my sentence,

"Ali and Courtney are family." Melissa looked irritated.

"No they're not. You dragged me all the way out here for a joke?" Melissa turned around, apparently to go back to studying whatever she had been studying, but Spencer had grabbed her arm. Melissa had been trying to shrug her off when she said,

"Not a joke. They're our half sisters."  Melissa stopped struggling and whipped around. 

"What?" Melissa asked, stopping dead in her tracks. 

"What are you, deaf?" I snapped back. "We're sisters. Get used to it."  Melissa's eyes were round. They had narrowed a bit after I had spoken, but the initial shock seemed to be what she was focusing on. 

"What? Who? How?" Melissa was rambling. She was obviously in shock. Because Melissa was a prissy bitch, being rude to her was fun. And also, sisters were genetically encoded to fight with each other. So as I laughed, I ticked off answers with my fingers.

"One, we're half sisters. Two, the four of us. Three, our mom and your dad had an affair. I guess you know how most affairs work, right?" I would have gone on, but now all of my sisters were glaring at me.

"Really, Ali?" Spencer and Courtney asked at the same time.  I spread my hands. 

"I was having fun! It's been hard to come by these days." Well, my promise of being nice to everyone went out the window. She was being a bitch. I defended myself in my head.

"Thanks, Alison. You're really helping me so much." Melissa said sarcastically.  "So we're sisters. Now what?" As much as I wanted to call her an idiot, it had been a really good question. Now what? 

            "I want to know my real dad." Courtney blurted out.  Melissa glared at her. 

"You think you have the right to ruin my parents' marriage?" Melissa asked furiously.

"I have the right to know my father." Courtney shot back.  "And so does Ali. I don't care if you don't like us, Melissa, but we're sisters, and we should at least be civil towards each other. "  Then Courtney turned to me. 

        "And that goes for you too, Ali." 

"Fine," I grumbled. Melissa finally nodded and sighed. 

"Okay. What do you plan on doing, just waltzing into our house, saying you're our sisters? My mother will say it's not true, you know." Melissa warned.

"We're confronting our mother." I said. "It's time for her to admit to it. Then we'll see what happens."

"All right. Council of Sisters adjourned. We meet whenever we text Spencer. Bye!" I said. My sisters all said goodbye. Watch out, parents. Here we come. And we're unstoppable. 


A/N: So sorry it took this long to update!!!!!!!!!! I've been super super busy!!!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE HOW MANY READS THERE ARE!!!!!! THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH!!!!!! There will be at least two more chapters. 



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