Chapter 11, Identity Revealed

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*Hi guys,this is a shorter chapter than normal, but I want to start on the next chapter, and I think that I work better with Ali. A is revealed in this chapter, but I'm still not done yet! Sorry! Thank you for your support! Read On!

Courtney DiLaurentis's Perspective

"Really? I advise you to speak carefully. If you know who I am, I'll kill you now, it'll save me the trouble of keeping you forever." A said, tilting her head. You wanted A's attention! My brain screamed at me. How are you going to get out of this?! But then I realized: I'm Courtney DiLaurentis- I'm an expert liar.

I'll just say a random name.

"You're Naomi Zeigler." I said, lying my butt off. Naomi's hair was more platinum blonde because it had more silvery tones (Ali and I had previously discussed it when we were friends with her). A laughed.

"You're lucky that you're wrong. I'm not Naomi- Courtney, you're losing your touch! But the good news for you is that I don't have to kill you now. Thanks for dinner, B! I'll come by again soon. Bye, Courtney! I'm off to see your sister!" A waved and walked out. B unclenched his hands.

"That was a very dumb risk, Court! You could have been killed!" B snarled at me. I looked at him. He was very concerned about my well-being. I didn't know if that was weird or not.

"Thanks for caring, B." I said, slightly puzzled. B sighed.

"I'm not supposed to care, okay?" B said, angrily, like caring about me was my fault. "I'm just supposed to feed you and all of that, but I don't think it's right to keep you stuck here for the things that Alison did." I didn't really know what to make of that.

"Uh, thanks?" I said. B nodded. B went back to his swivel chair and laptop, while I went back to my bed and opened my book again. But I was wondering, what is A going to do with Ali. If I could, I would run away from this place. But would B lie for me, go after me, or kill me? I know A will release me on my eighteenth birthday. But that will be years until I see the sky, much less my sister. I guess now it's sisters. I have three of them now. And my brother. I never really got to know my real father. Did he steal looks at Ali and I when we went to see Spencer? Did he love us? Had he wanted to know us? Or had he only cared about his affair with my mother? Did he even care about my mom? Or his own wife? An inquiring mind wants to know. Maybe more. I've kind of adapted into thinking Spencer was my sister, but then I realized that Melissa was my sister too. Which was strange, because Melissa never liked Ali and I. She kind of ignored us. And if I survived, would I become a Hastings? I couldn't really fathom thinking that deeply. Would Spencer and Melissa hate us if I revealed my our true parentage? What would my adoptive father think? What would my mother think? Would she be royally ticked off? Her marriage may have been a sham, but that didn't mean she didn't want to keep it. What would happen if he kicked us out? Jason may have been his biological son, but Ali and I had been the problem children. He was sure to ship us out. If I survived this hell, would Ali finally be set free? I had so many thoughts and questions jumbled up in my brain, I barely heard B say it was time for bed. I shut my book. I couldn't tell anyone who A was, but that didn't mean I couldn't think it. I know who you are. You may call yourself A and want to be anonymous, but you'll always just be Mona.

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